Ch 7: Home

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I was standing in the moroi court in the middle of the night. I had no idea how I got here but I was speedily walking towards a talk dark haired woman. She seemed to be in a hurry but I finally caught up to her when she accidentally bumped into someone.
"Tasha," I called out in a beautiful soprano voice.
The lady turned to look at me, her extraordinary blue eyes piercing into mine.
"Lissa, it's so lovely to see you," replied the woman. I could feel my own heart tug at the sight of her eyes since it's been so long since Lissa saw them on the face of the man she was once in a relationship with.
"It's great to see you too," said Lissa as the woman pulled her in an embrace.
"What are you doing here at court? I thought you were going to college?" asked Tasha.
"I am actually but I visit court often since I've been apprenticesing under the Queen."
"Oh yes Christian did mention something about that. I haven't seen him in a while. I hope I get to see him while I'm here," says Tasha with a smile.
I could feel Lissa confusion and discomfort. "Tasha didn't you know? Christian isn't-"
"I'm so sorry Lissa but I have to get going before I miss my appointment. Please pass my love to my nephew," and with that the raven haired moroi walked away leaving both Lissa and I feeling very confused.

I managed to pull myself out of Lissa's mind and looked into the same blue eyes of the man sitting besides me.
"Great, you're finally awake. I was wondering if I would need to splash some water on your face."
"Firstly I would have killed you if you tried that and secondly I wasn't asleep. I was with Lissa." At those words the playful smirk of his face disappeared.
"I didn't know you still checked up on her," he said.
"I don't but I was just sucked in. She saw Tasha at court," I informed him.
"What was she doing there? She hates the court" scoffed Christian.
"Apparently she had an appointment or something but that's not important. I want to know why she thinks you're still at court?" I asked.
"I guess I forgot to tell her," he answered in indifference.
"Did you also forgot to tell her you and Lissa broke up?" I asked sarcastically.
This time he looked slightly annoyed, "So what if I didn't tell her?"
"She's your aunt, Sparky. She cares about you."
"You're the one who said I shouldn't tell her" he countered at him.
"Yes smartass, about the baby. Everything else you were free to tell her about."
He just blew air through his nostrils instead. He could be so stubborn sometimes.

"Okay fine. I didn't want to tell her because I didn't want to deal with all the questions" said the moroi quietly.
"She was so happy that I found someone like Lissa and I don't want to explain why it didn't work out." He looked almost ashamed of himself. Like their breakup was a personal failure on his part and I understood that feeling.
"Remember when you said I need to stop blaming myself, I think you should do the same."
"It's hard sometimes," he said leaning his head back against the head rest.
"That's true but we're not alone in this. We have each other. We'll get through this" I promised him.

"Yeah, two pathetic outcasts out to make a life for themselves with one expecting a child. Sounds like a sitcom," said a now smirking Christian. With those words I knew he was feeling better. I felt it was  important that only one of us should feel depressed or angry at a time. That way there's balance between us.
"You make it sound so much more fucked up than it really is," I say with a snort.
"As if it isn't exactly like that," he mumbled to himself.

Only then did I notice that we had stopped driving. I looked out the window and saw we were parked in a housing complex. It looked like those cheesy family neighbourhood with kids playing on the street.

"Christian, where are we?"
"New Jersey," said Christian simply.
"Okay and why are we here?" I asked still very much confused.
"Because we live here now."
"WHAT?" I screamed. He had the most smug look on his face but his eyes had a sweet twinkle to it. "Yes Rosie, this is our new home."
My mouth was still hanging open when he got out and walked towards the little house. I quickly got out (by that I mean I wobbled out like a duck) and followed him.

He opened the door to a small open-plan living room and kitchen with two bedrooms and a bathroom. It was tiny but it had potential to be a great home. Most of our stuff was already here from St. Vlad's and I saw in the corner a beautiful white baby cot. There was flecks of paints peeling of the sides of the wood but with a little work it could be perfect.

"So," said Christian, "what do you think?"
I gave him a million dollar smile,"You did good Sparky. You did good."

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