Chapter 4

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This chapter is continuing on the story, it starts from Cloves POV and then ends from Catos POV. 

Cloves POV:

We're sitting around the dinner table, not talking. As usual. I stare at my plate, pushing the peas around and around.

"Clove! Stop playing with your food," My mom says forcefully.

"Sorry," I say, stabbing a piece of meat and bringing it to my mouth. My sister smirks at me, I scowl back. Our father gives us both a look.

Everything's always felt like a competition between my sister and I. Who could get in less trouble? Who could get a higher training score or grade? Who could be a bigger disappointment? I always seemed to win that last one. No matter what I did, my parents were always disappointed in me. I'd get an A, why wasn't an A+, they'd ask. I'd successfully hit 50 targets in a row, why didn't you get 60, they'd ask. It was never enough, no matter how hard I tried.

The next morning I wake up to the smell of pancakes. Iris must have made breakfast. Iris was the cook, she was also my best friend.

My parents frowned upon us talking to the "Help" as they called them, but I loved Iris. She made me feel special, like there was someone out there who loved me. Every afternoon I'd get home from school and she'd have a snack waiting for me. We'd talk about my day, her day, things that were bothering us, everything. I always had to leave before my parents got home though since they would hate to see me talking to her.

I throw on my school uniform and fix my hair in the mirror. I'm not like other girls in my class who were full faces of makeup every day, but I do put a little mascara and lipgloss on in the mornings. I practically run down the stairs and make my way toward the kitchen.

"Morning Iris!" I call out to her from across the kitchen.

"Good morning Clove," Iris says, as I make my way to the door near the small breakfast table in the corner of the room. Iris smiles, bringing over my pancakes, along with a plate for herself. She sits down.

"Anything exciting happening today?" She asks. I think for a second.

"We have a quiz in history," I say.

"Are you prepared?" She asks, stabbing a pancake with her fork and stuffing it into her mouth.

"Yeah," I say "I stayed up studying last night."

She nods, still chewing her mouth full of pancakes. That's when my sister, Jade, walks in. She silently sits down and Iris stands up to grab her food.

"You know you could have grabbed your own plate," I scowl at her.

Jade shrugs "It's her job, that's what we're paying her to do," Jade responds, right as Iris comes back to the table. I glare at Jade, why did she have to be so rude to someone who didn't do anything to her?

" Is there anything fun your doing today Jade?" Iris asked, She was always nice to my family, no matter how terrible we treated her. Jade just shrugs and we eat the rest of our breakfast in silence. Once I finish I thank Iris and set the plate down near the sink. I quickly ran upstairs to brush my teeth before leaving for school.

I always loved walking to school. It was my only time of day alone. The walk to school took around 15 minutes so that meant I had 15 minutes before I had to pretend to be perfect.

I was around 10 minutes away when I saw him, his hair a blonde disheveled mess.

"Cato!" I say, surprised to see him emerging from one of the houses on my left.

Cato's POV:

I'm exhausted, I just spent all night helping Walker clean up the house, we didn't finish until around 4:30 and then I had to get the girls to school at 6:00, I let Walker sleep though. I came home from bringing my sisters to school and Walker was still asleep. I left a note and then left so I could make it to school.

I walk out the door and she's standing right there, Clove Kentwell.

Clove Kentwell is perfect.

Perfect face, perfect hair, perfect grades, perfect family, perfect everything. Shes a year younger than me and still better at almost all the training we do.

"Cato!" she says, sounding surprised.

"Hi Clove," I say. The first time I met her I thought that her name was Clover. For a while I joked with her that her name was Clover, but eventually we both got tired of the name.

I stand on my driveway, staring at her.

"I should probably get going," Clove says, starting to walk toward school.

"Can I walk with you?" I ask, not knowing if I really wanted to.

She looks at me "Sure".

Clove and I didn't talk , we just walked. When we arrived to school I waved to her and turned toward the boys locker room, while she went to the girls.

I walk into the boys locker room, and grab my tennis shoes since I have group training first.

On my way out of the locker room I see Olivia Langley.

"Hey Cato," She says, twirling her blonde hair around her pointer finger.

"Hi Olivia," I reply.

"I'm surprised your not dead," She says.

"What?" I stare at her.

"That girl, I'm surprised she didn't stab you out of jealousy.

"Clove? Jealous of me?" I ask, confused.

"No! Jealous of me!" Olivia yells back.

"Cloves not jealous of you," I say, knowing that its true. Clove is ruthless, not scared or jealous of anyone of anything.

"You where paying attention to me and not her and she couldn't take it, so she tried to murder you!" Olivia yells back. I'm confused for a second, that is kind of what happened.

"She wouldn't have hit me," I say.

"She almost did!"

"She never misses," I say and start to turn around.

"Wait Cato!" Olivia calls out.

"Olivia," I turn " I need to get to class."

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