Chapter 16

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Ian's POV:

I don't think Cato is okay. I mean, you can't expect anyone to be okay when they're about to go into the games. I just mean he seems off, and he's just really sad all the time.

The other day at school I caught him staring at Clove Kentwell. He talked a lot about her too. We would be sitting at our usual lunch table, and Clove would be sitting at hers. And all of a sudden he'd say something like "She's a really good fighter" or "I think she could win. If I wasn't a tribute obviously" one time he even said "Doesn't she look pretty with her hair like that?" I think something happened between them, because all of a sudden they weren't talking, I mean Cato couldn't go to training because of his ankle but still. I feel like they still talked in the hallway, and now they don't even smile at each other.

"Turn to page 56 in your books class," Mrs. Lopez says. I look at Cato as he absently flips to the page in his book. Mrs. Lopez starts her lecture.

"Cato," I whisper, but he doesn't look up. "Cato." He looks up


"You ok?"

"Of course, what do you mean," Cato looks at me, confused.

"You just seem off,"

"I'm not," He says, and turns back to his book. I sigh.

"Cato-" I start

"Ian, I'm trying to pay attention," his voice rises slightly. I drop it, not wanting to start a fight in the back of English class. Cato and I sit in awkward silence, listening to Mrs. Lopez talk. Once class is finished Cato stands up and quickly, as quick as possible on crutches I mean, leaves the room. I let him leave, the reaping is in a week and I don't want him to be thinking about us fighting during the games.

Walking home from school I see Clove. "Clove!" I yell to her, I want to know what's going on between her and Cato.

"Yes?" she turns around looking at me.

"What happened to you and Cato? He won't talk to me and-," Clove's face made me stop. "What?"

"Nothing really happened between us it's just..," She started "With the games coming up, we just thought it would be best if we weren't that close."

"Clove, I know something happened."

"Nothing happened."


"Ian," She's mad now. "Nothing happened, you can leave or you can keep asking me pointless questions, I don't care. Nothing happened, we were never that close anyway."

I sigh "You're right, I should just leave." I walk off, leaving her going her way and me going my way.

Clove's POV:

Tomorrow is the reaping. And I'm terrified. I shouldn't be, I've trained really hard and I deserve to go into the games. I mean they wouldn't have picked me if they didn't think I could win. But still, these games are scary, and I don't want it to be awkward between Cato and I. My parents would also kill me if I didn't win, and I wanted to win. I wanted to feel my knives whiz through someone, I wanted to stand on the stage with the victors crown upon my head, I wanted to arrive back at two and have crowds of people cheering my name. But I didn't necessarily want to kill anyone, I wanted to win and I wanted blood, but I couldn't stand the thought of taking a young child's life, but if it kept me from dying. It was a terrible thought, but I know I would kill if I had to, hell even if I didn't have to I know I still would.

Cato's POV:

My ankle is not at its best. I can walk on it fine but running is like hell, I'm scared to go into the games with it like this, running isn't exactly my strong suit but still. All the other tributes will be able to run. Anyway, I'm kind of tempted to not volunteer, I mean, I could take care of my siblings for another year, enter the games in top condition with no injuries and Clove and I wouldn't have to be in the arena together. I'd love to not volunteer but I can't. The entire town would shame me and I definitely wouldn't be back aloud in the training centers, no one went against Principal Hart. Also If my mother ever sobered up she'd murder me.

I'm kind of excited for the games though, I've been looking forward to them my whole life and know they're finally here. Of course they're under the worst circumstances but, they're still here.

Helloooooo, thank you for reading this chapter and I'm sorry it took me so long to finish. I'm on tech week for this show I'm doing and It's been really hectic (I have one more rehearsal before the performance and I'm screaming inside) anyway I just finished this in the middle of the night so...Hope you like it (:

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