Chapter 17

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Clove's POV:

I'm staring at myself in the mirror. The white dress I picked out weeks ago looks way worse than I thought it would. It's too short, and too tight.

"Mom," I whine, "I don't want to wear it."

"Well it's too late to get another one, the reaping is today."

"Can't I just wear the blouse I wore last year?"

"No! You're volunteering this year," my mom said "You have to look good."

"I looked good in that-" I want to keep arguing but my moms stare tells me otherwise.

"You're wearing that dress, and get ready, we have to leave soon." I sighed, my mom left and I walked over to my dresser. I grabbed the hair brush placed atop my dresser and picked it up, I started combing through the tangles. My mom was right, today was a huge day, I was volunteering for the hunger games.

I didn't want to admit it but my hands were starting to shake. I was way more nervous than I expected I would be.

We were walking toward the town square, where the reaping would take place. "Ok Clove," My father said, "Good luck." and that was the last he said as he, my mother and Jade, who had just aged out of the reaping, walked toward the observing section. I was all on my own, making my way to the tables where you checked in.

"Name?" the capitol lady asked.

"Clove Kentwell, age 15, female,"

The woman nods and gestures for me to pass. I walk over to the roped area, where the kids in the reaping stand. I make my way to the 15 year old line, where I see lots of kids from school and training lined up. I was extra nervous now, my heart pounding and my hands sweating.

I've been training for this, I'm ready.

We stood there for about five minutes before the capitol escort, mayor and two of the past victors came out on stage. The mayor, who's a middle aged man with patchy brown hair, starts his usual speech. He gives the list of all the past district 2 victors, including Brutus and Enobaria, notorious for being some of the most vicious killers the hunger games has ever had. He tells us the rules of the games, and the reason why we need them, to remind us that the capitol is in charge.

Once the speech is done, the escort walks to the center of the stage. "Happy Hunger Games!" she says. "My name is Cece Starly and I'm happy to introduce this year's mentors, who will accompany our tributes on the road to success." Cece gestured to the girl tribute. "This is Enobaria Galpon who won the 62nd hunger games, by being strong and brave," Please, everyone knows Enobaria Won by ripping the other tribute's throats out with her teeth. "This is Brutus Gunn who won the 46th hunger games by being one of the top men in the entire district during training." Brutus won the same way most district two tributes do, by being strong and lethal.

Both of the tributes stood up as the crowd cheered for them. I couldn't bring myself to clap though. "Now for what we all came here for," Cece says walking toward the girls bowl of names. "Ladies first!" I feel the crowd's eyes on me, most of them know that I'm supposed to volunteer. Cece sticks her hand in the glass ball. My hands start shaking. She moves her hand through the paper slips. I feel tears coming to my eyes. She grasps onto one paper. I'm blinking back tears like crazy.

"The Female tribute for this year's Hunger Games is," I suck in air "Emma Hadley."

Cato's POV:

I think I stopped breathing. My sister. She's strong but they would destroy her. Emma starts to walk toward the stage and it kills me knowing I can do nothing about it. My eyes quickly flick to Clove as she raises her hand. "I volunteer," She calls out in a strong, even voice. Cece Starly claps.

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Ok ladies and gentleman, we have a volunteer. Come on up here sweetie," I cringe at the nickname. I watch Clover maneuver her way to the stage and pass my sister, who's standing in the aisle. Thank you, thank god for you Clove.

Clove reaches the stage and climbs the stairs. "And what is your name?" Cece asks her.

"Clove Kentwell," She says to Cece.

"Clove Kentwell, what a beautiful name. Let's give a huge round of applause for our new tribute!" There are a few claps but not many. Clove doesn't look the least bit scared or nervous, her cold stare reminds me of when I first met her mother.

"Ok everyone, now time to choose this year's male tribute," Cece walks toward the male tributes bowl. She moves her hand around, trying to find a slip. My heart starts beating a little faster, knowing I have to volunteer. "This year's male tribute is... Orion Everlen!" Orion, a 14 year old boy from the rich side of town, starts walking toward the stage with a nervous look on his face.

"I volunteer as tribute!" I call out, already pushing through the crowd. Orion sighs and turns around, walking back to the boys line. I walk to the stage.

"Two volunteers!" Cece squeals. "What's your name?"

"Cato Hadley," Cece looks confused at the last name, but she brushes it off quickly.

"Ok everyone! Please welcome this year's district two tributes! Cato Hadley and Clove Kentwell!" Clove and I shake hands and I try to give her a thank you look. Two peacekeepers direct us into the town hall. They have us go in two separate rooms, where friends and family can come and say their goodbyes.

Ian comes in first,

"Hey," He says, then he hugs me. "You've got this Cato. You're the strongest in the entire arena, you'll win."

"Thanks Ian,"

"See you in a few weeks," Ian breaks away from me, walking out the door.

My siblings come in next, Emma holding Kiersten's hand. Kierstan's crying, Walkers blinking back tears and Emma looks stunned.

"Cato!" Kiersten's little voice calls out as she runs over to hug me.

"Hey little one,"

"Don't die!"

"I won't," I say " I won't," I whisper into her hair. Walker and Emma file in next to me, both hugging and saying they love me. "I'm gonna win," I say, and I finally convince myself, there's only one victor and It has to be me, for Walker, Emma and Kiersten.

A/N thanks so much for reading this chapter, I tried to keep the reaping similar to the one in the books but there are slight differences so please don't come for me in the comments. anyway, I'm going to go through and edit all the old chapters becuase they're a little messy. Main characters belong to my true love, Suzanne Collins <3 

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