Chapter 11

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Cato's POV:

I wake up around 7:45 on tuesday morning, It takes me a second to remember where I am. Walker's snoring body is next to mine as I slowly stroke his blonde hair.

"Cato?" He croaks as he wakes up.

"Yeah?" I say

"Is that girl your girlfriend?" He's so straightforward about it I almost laugh.

"No," I say "She's not."

"Well she should be," he says. I snort.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, you clearly like her. And she's really pretty,"he adds.

"I don't like her," I whisper shout, trying not to wake Emma since I know she'll take Walker's side.

"Yes you do,"

"No I don't"

"Ok, sure,"

"I'm going downstairs," I say, slipping out of the covers.

"Bye loverboy," Walker teases as I leave the room, sticking my tongue out at him.

I walk to the Bathroom, splash some water on my face and stare at myself. I look disgusting, and for whatever reason, I don't want Clove to see me like this.

I sneak back to my room and grab my bag. I walk back to the bathroom and throw on a clean light blue t-shirt, and dark gray athletic shorts. I don't know if Clove's mom would agree with my outfit but it's all I have.

I walk downstairs expecting to see Clove, but instead I see a different girl. She's tall with chocolate brown hair down to her waist, she's wearing a plain white blouse and jeans. She looks up as I turn into the kitchen.

"You must be Cato," She says, her deep brown eyes looking straight into mine. She looks so much like her sister it's crazy.

"I am," I reply.

"My parents don't like you very much," She says matter of factly.

"Oh really," I say sarcastically, of course they didn't like me.

"I like you," She says. Oh god. Was this girl trying to...get with me. No, I'm over exaggerating.

"Oh," Is all I can say.

"You're pretty," She says, reaching out to touch my hair. I lean back slightly.

"Thanks," I say. "I think I'm... Umm..," What should I say.

"Jade!" An all too familiar voice rings out. My head snaps up, my blue eyes meeting Clove's dark ones. "What's for breakfast?"

"I don't know," Jade says, sitting back in her chair, not looking the least bit embarrassed. Me on the other hand, I'm blushing bright red. "Ask Iris."

"No," Clove says, sitting down next to me. Her hair looks slightly curled and I can't tell if it's natural or styled that way. She's wearing a dark green oversized tee and black sweat pants.

"Are you wearing that to school?" Jade asks.

"No," Clove says. "I'm just getting some food." Clove grabs a handful of grapes out of the bowl and makes a show of plopping one in her mouth. She walks toward the stairs.

"I should probably change too," I lie, knowing I don't have another outfit. I follow Clove up the stairs, when we get to the top she looks at me.

"Was my sister hitting on you?" She asks.

"I.. Umm.. I don't know," I laugh as a say those last words.

"She totally was," Clove laughs, and we both walk down the hall.

Clove's POV:

We have 2 weeks till the reaping wich means we only have about 3 weeks to the games.

Cato and I walk to school together, not talking, our hands inches away from each other.

I have to admit, I was super surprised when Cato showed up at my house, but In a way i'm kind of glad he did. I mean I'm not happy about what happened to his family but at least this morning was kind of fun. He's a good person to talk to.

We show up to school earlier than normal and we both split ways to our locker rooms.

Of course, Olivia Langley is in the locker room, staring at me.

"Why did you walk in with Cato Hadley?" She asks.

"He's staying with me," I don't have the energy to come up with a lie.

"What?!" She asks, looking surprised.

"Yeah," I say "He stayed at my house last night."

"He better not be with you," She looks disgusted at the thought. I snort

"Trust me he's not," I reassure her. "Now I'm leaving," I say, making my way to my locker and quickly typing in the code. I throw in my athletic bag and grab out my books for the day. I storm out of the locker room before Olivia can ask any more questions. I walk to history. I sit down next to a kid named Ian Carter. I know he's friends with Cato but he's never talked to me. Not until today.

"I'm worried about Cato," Ian says as I sit down.

"Huh?" I say, taken aback by the urgency in his voice.

"You two are training partners right?" He asks, I nod.

"I know something bad's happening at his house and I think he needs help," Ian says, seeming genuinely concerned.

"He came to my house last night," I admit.

"What?" It's Ian's turn to be confused.

"He came to my house and said he couldn't be at home anymore, something about his mom being violent and drunk," I explain. "I didn't get very many details, he was crying and had all his siblings with him."

"I saw it," Ian says.

"What?" I furrow my brow.

"I saw his mom, yelling at his little sister," Ian looks upset, clearly Ms. Hadley had not been nice. "We need to help him." 

Hello (: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As always, please vote or comment and defiantly read the rest of the story. Main characters belong to Suzanne Collins. 

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