Chapter 16: Under the Sky of Paris [Flashback]

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Chapter 16: Under the Sky of Paris [Flashback]

Little Timeskip to Summer (Your P.O.V.)

My breath went fast. Little drops of sweat ran down my temples as I sprinted from the bus to the central station. Even though it was still morning, it was already hot outside.

„Alastor!" I waved to him after I spotted the brown haired man who was patiently waiting under the rooftop of the central station; his outfit as neaty as ever. Man, how was this guy not sweating?
When I finally arrived him, I first needed some new oxygen in my lungs.

„So sorry for being late! I overslept... are we still in time?" I asked after my breath got normalized.
„Good morning, my dear! Glad you could make it. And don't worry, we have enough time left. Haven't you slept well?" As he wanted to know, we entered the central station and walked through it.

„Yeah, you could say so. We've had a full house yesterday. Long and exhausting shows."
„Good for you we have a longer train ride to make. You'll have enough time to catch up on your sleep." He laughed and led me to a platform.

A couple of days ago, Alastor revealed he had a surprise for me. He asked me if I was able to took a few days off from my work, which actually wasn't a problem. Well, the main problem was that Olivia and Kelly would not stop giggling and speculating what this journey could mean. The argument that I was just traveling with a good friend didn't really worked. After a few more comments, I gave up this conversation and just sighed in annoyance. They could think whatever they want. I knew there was unfortunately nothing serious behind the surprise the radio host had prepared for me.

Standing on the platform, I just frowned in doubt while looking at the black red painted train.
„Okay, so... are you telling me now what you're planning?" I turned my head to the brown haired man.
„Isn't it obvious, my dear? We're going to make a city trip!" He revealed as he spread his arms out as much as he was able to do with both of our suitcases he carried.
„Yeeaaah..." I scretched my head uncertainly. „But isn't that a bit too much?"

Alastor began to laugh.
„Not at all, my dear! I thought it would be a wonderful idea to get out of town. You know, seeing something new. And who could be a better compainion than you?" He laid his hand on my shoulder to shove me closer to the train. „I promise, you are gonna love it there."


Paris, France (Your P.O.V.)

It was late afternoon, around two days later, when we arrived at our final destination. Not to mention it would have been awesome enough to spend a few days in New York City, which was our first goal to reach from New Orleans, no Alasor even topped his surprise by leading me on a ship which was sailing to Europe. France to be exact.
Due to arriving in a smaller french harbour city, we needed to make another train ride to finally reach Paris. But what I saw when we came out of the railway station left me speechless. It was so fascinating to see so many differences, even though it was a normal city.

„So, I hope my intension was correct and you like the surprise, my dear?" Alastor asked.
„Of course I do!" I replied full of enthusiasm. „I have never been in a foreign country before! It's amazing!" I started to swirl around. People and buildings in all directions, the citizens chattered in a language I could not understand.

„Thank you Al, this is the best surprise I've ever had!" I looked at the brown haired man with a big smile on my face. „You know what, I would love to see the Notre Dame cathedral and the Eiffel tower! Oh oh, I wanna go to the castle of Versailles and walk in the garden! And after that we could try the french cuisine! Or we can make a trip to the Louvre museum and see the Mona Lisa painting!" As I started to plan so many visits, Alastor just laughed.

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