Chapter 7: Dear future Husband [Flashback]

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Chapter 7: Dear future Husband [Flashback]

(Your P.O.V)

„(y/n)! Mum is calling for you!" With a sigh, I looked at my door, where Annie was knocking and shouting. I got up from my windowsill and left my room to look for my mother. I found her, as usual, in her music room, trying to write some notes on a sheet while playing the piano and humming the melody she composed.

„Mum, let me help you." I took a seat next to her and tried to grasp the paper but she removed my hand roughly.
„Stop treating me like a cripple!" She hissed. Her left hand was trembling and she was nearly unable to hold the sheet. She was a talented piano artist but after a bad accident, her left hand was completely damaged. It didn't need to amputated but the doctors said she will never move any muscle in her fingers again. She could only use the right hand to play on her favourite instrument.

„Sorry..." I muttered. My mother stopped and glimpsed at me. I was sure she actually wanted to apologize but instead she only ordered: „Well, let's start with the lesson. I want you to repeat the song we started yesterday."
„Oh mum, why do I have to? I don't want to play the piano. I prefer singing, dancing and shooting with dad in the forest." I complained. Actually I would enjoy it if it wasn't a force.
„Because I want you to do (y/n)! You'll be grateful one day! And by the way you can sing while playing the piano."
„But not dancing or shooting. What about Shannon or Annie? Maybe they-"
„Stop that now!" She yelled. „Your sisters are lost causes. YOU got the music talent in your blood!"

Damn, it was hopeless to discuss with her. She always got mad this fast when I spoke about this whole topic. She even said she will bequeath her piano to me... that was kinda crazy.

„Muuuuum, look! I've got a good grade in school today!" Shannon opened the door and waved with a paper in her hand.
„Don't you see I'm practicing with your sister at moment, Shanny? I'm gonna take a look at it later." She glanced at her youngest daughter, then she turned her head back to me.
„So, the song from yesterday, (y/n). Let's start."
„Oh, alright... go practice and ignore me like you always do." I heard Shannon in a furious tone in her voice and the door got slammed.

I knew this situation. Shannon came home with a good grade, got rejected by her mother and would run to her room to cry on her bed. Annie and me would go to her later to comfort her and tell her she did it great and that our mother is very proud of her. When she was younger, it worked better than nowadays since she was in her puberty. She became more aggressive, last time she even tear her school test in pieces, only to regret it the next moment. Luckily, me and my older sister Annie had a good connection to Shannon so we knew strategies to calm her down somehow.


On a sunny saturday, me and Shannon picked some apples from our tree in garden. When the basket was full enough, we went back to the kitchen to cut the apples for the pie we wanted to bake. Our parents mostly left us alone on weekends. Mum was visiting her brother in an other town and Dad vanished from friday evening until sunday afternoon as well to... anywhere. Probably different bars with friends. Sometimes, he took me to the forest to practice shooting with new guns or show me new techniques how to hunt and defend myself with knives. It was the only way to get his attention and I also was the only one who got his notice.

The entrance door got slammed with a loud noise and I heard Annie cursing. Shannon and I exchange a confusing look and peeked out of the kitchen.

„Ann? What's wrong?" I asked and went after her when she walked into the living room.
„John and I got into a fight again." My sister sighed deeply.
„That's nothing new." I frowned.

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