Chapter 2: Unspoken Tensions and Confessions

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=Shinjiro's POV=

Adjusting to life in Nagazora had its challenges, especially with Himeko being occupied with her responsibilities at St. Freya Academy. The move to the city was prompted by my upcoming 1st semester in middle school at Chiba Academy. As a 15-year-old in a dorm partially vacant due to the aftermath of the 2nd Honkai Eruption, I found myself navigating the intricacies of a new school and city.

One morning, as I prepared for my day, the holographic display in my room flickered to life. It was Himeko, her image projected with a warm smile. "Hey, Shinjiro! How's everything going? I hope you're settling in well."

"Hey, big sis Himeko! Yeah, everything's fine. The school is interesting, and Nagazora is unlike any place I've been before," I replied, a genuine smile playing on my face.

Himeko's expression softened. "I know it's a big change for you, but I believe in your adaptability. Just remember, I'm always here if you need anything. Take care, okay?"

"I will, big sis. Don't worry too much. Focus on your work, and I'll handle things here," I assured her.

As the holographic call ended, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility. Himeko had always been there for me, and now it was my turn to stand on my own.

=Himeko's POV=

Being a teacher at St. Freya Academy meant balancing combat training, physics classes, and occasional Valkyrie duties. While I was fully engrossed in my new role, thoughts of Shinjiro lingered in the back of my mind. As his older sister and guardian, I knew he could handle himself, but the longing to be with him never truly faded.

One evening, after a particularly intense combat training session, I decided to check in on Shinjiro. The holographic communication device lit up, connecting me to his dorm room.

"Hey, Shinjiro! How's everything on your end?" I inquired a mix of concern and curiosity in my voice.

Shinjiro's face appeared on the display, and his smile reassured me. "Hey, big sis Himeko! Everything's going smoothly. The school is challenging, but I'm managing."

"That's good to hear. If you ever need anything or if things get overwhelming, don't hesitate to reach out," I advised, my maternal instincts kicking in.

"I know, big sis. Thanks for checking in. Focus on your work, and I'll make sure to make you proud," Shinjiro responded, his determination evident.

As the holographic call ended, I couldn't shake off the maternal worry that came with being an older sister. But deep down, I knew Shinjiro had grown into a capable young man.

[Chiba Academy]

=Shinjiro's POV=

The morning rush was a blur as I tried to make up for my tardiness. The clock ticking away reminded me that it was my first day of school, and I couldn't afford to be late. Speedrunning through my bathtime and breakfast, I squeezed into my perfectly form-fitted school uniform, emphasizing my lean-muscular build. It was the largest size for 9th-grade male students, a testament to my unique circumstances.

Glancing at the clock and realizing it was already 6:50 AM, panic set in. The school was an hour away from home. "Welp, time to use my Admin authority," I mumbled to myself, deciding to teleport to the front gate of Senba Academy. The ability to teleport was my little secret, one that I wasn't keen on sharing with anyone.

As I rushed towards the door of my classroom, an unintentional collision occurred. I bumped into a dark purple-haired girl, her belongings scattered on the floor. Instinctively, I helped her gather her things.

"Are you alright?" I asked with genuine concern in my voice.

"I'm okay, senpai," she replied politely.

Checking his smartwatch, I saw that it was 6:57 AM. I still had a few minutes to spare, but the urgency remained. "By the way, do you know where class 9-A is? I kinda forgot," I admitted with a sheepish smile.

"2nd floor, the leftmost of the hallway," she said, offering clear directions.

I nodded appreciatively and sprinted towards the classroom, grateful for the information.

=Mei's POV=

My name is Raiden Mei, heiress of Massive Electric Industry, commonly known as ME Corp. As I directed the new student, Shinjiro, to class 9-A, I couldn't help but notice that he looked 2 years older than a typical 9th grader. His physique suggested a level of physical activity uncommon for someone his age. However, I reminded myself not to judge based on appearances.

Entering the classroom at 6:59 AM, I was greeted by friends and caught wind of the gossip surrounding the new student. The guys seemed envious of his handsome face, height, and lean-muscular physique. I couldn't deny that he stood out.

Taking my seat at the back, I realized his tall figure was blocking my view of the whiteboard. An idea struck me, and I stood up in my seat. "Hello, we meet again," I greeted him.

He looked at me in surprise. "It's you. Do you need something?"

"Yes... um... you're kinda blocking my view on the whiteboard. May we please exchange seats?" I stammered, feeling embarrassed.

He chuckled lightly and agreed to the seat exchange. As we settled into our new seats, the sensei arrived, saving me from further embarrassment. The reaction of my classmates and friends hinted at their surprise and shock that I already knew this mysterious new guy.

=Shinjiro's POV=

The seat exchange seemed like a small price to pay for avoiding a potential neck cramp for Mei and blocking Mei's view of the whiteboard. I couldn't help but notice the subtle reactions of our classmates. The surprise in their eyes and the whispers that followed hinted at Mei's reputation in the class.

As the day progressed, Mei and I found ourselves navigating the challenges of being the new kid and the familiar face. During lunch break, Mei approached me.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked, gesturing to an empty seat.

"Of course, Mei," I replied, appreciating the friendly gesture.

We engaged in casual conversation, and I felt a camaraderie forming. Mei shared insights about the school, introducing me to its quirks and traditions. In return, I shared stories about my homeschooled experiences with her.

When the final bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Mei tapped my shoulder. "Heading home, senpai?"

"Yeah, want to walk together?" I suggested.
As we strolled down the pathway, our conversation flowed effortlessly. Mei's friendly demeanor and openness made me feel at ease. We reached the front gate, and as we parted ways, she grinned.

"Thanks for the company, Shinjiro. See you tomorrow?"

"Absolutely, Mei," I nodded, appreciating the unexpected friendship that had blossomed on my first day at Senba Academy. The challenges of being the new kid were turning into opportunities for new connections and experiences.

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