Chapter 12: Echoes of Finality

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As the festivities at Kuoh Academy continued, Rias Gremory's gaze lingered on Shinjiro and his companions with keen interest. From her vantage point, she sensed immense power within them, particularly Shinjiro, whose aura seemed boundless, akin to infinite universes. The red-haired devil couldn't help but feel intrigued by the potential of these individuals, especially Shinjiro, whom she found exceptionally captivating.

"Such potential," Rias murmured to herself, fingering the red chess pieces, the Evil Pieces, in her hand. "Perhaps they could be valuable additions to my Peerage."

Unbeknownst to the group, Rias's gaze remained fixed on Shinjiro and Mei, who were holding hands. She couldn't help but admire Shinjiro's power and charisma, considering the possibility of reincarnating him as a devil to strengthen her Peerage. However, her thoughts were interrupted as Dai, consumed by jealousy and resentment towards Shinjiro, approached the group.

Shinjiro's expression darkened as Dai made his presence known, anger simmering beneath the surface. He remembered all too well the harm Dai had caused to his best friend, Issei, and vowed to protect his friends from any further harm.

"Back off!" Shinjiro growled, his voice low and menacing.

Dai, however, paid no heed to Shinjiro's warning and proceeded to make unwanted advances towards Mei, his expression twisted with lecherous intent. Kiana, unable to contain her anger, unleashed her Neko Charm, delivering a powerful kick to Dai's face.

The force of Kiana's blow sent Dai flying several meters, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. He lay there, stunned and disoriented, as Kiana berated him for his despicable behavior.

"Stay away from Mei-senpai, you perverted creep!" Kiana's voice rang out, her anger palpable.

Meanwhile, inside Kiana's mind, the Herrscher of Void stirred from her slumber, drawn by the intense emotions swirling within her host. Observing Kiana's actions with amusement, the Herrscher of Void found herself entertained by the spectacle unfolding before her.

"Deserved punishment!" the Herrscher of Void exclaimed gleefully, her voice echoing within Kiana's consciousness.

Grateful for Kiana's defense of Mei, Shinjiro knew that he needed to control his anger to prevent any further escalation. Mei, sensing his inner turmoil, gently tapped Shinjiro's shoulder, offering him silent support.

"Thanks, Kiana," Shinjiro said, his voice softening as he accepted her apology. He appreciated her loyalty and understood that her actions stemmed from a desire to protect their friend.

As Dai lay on the ground, weakened and struggling to heal from Kiana's powerful kick, he reached out to his Longinus Sacred Gear, Crom Cruach, for assistance.

"Crom, heal me," he pleaded, his voice strained with pain.

However, Crom Cruach remained silent for a moment, his disdain for his host evident.

"Foolish host," Crom finally spoke, his voice dripping with contempt. "Your actions have brought this upon yourself. No amount of healing can undo the damage to your soul."

Dai's face contorted with frustration and desperation as he realized the severity of his situation."But I can't die," he protested weakly. "I'm a reincarnated devil. I'm supposed to be immortal."Crom Cruach chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with malice.

"Immortality is but an illusion, mortal. Even Gods and devils can meet their end, especially when their folly leads them to it. And always expect that someone stronger than you."

As Rias and Dai's harem gathered around him, their expressions filled with concern and worry, they observed the Honkai corruption spreading across his face and arm. The sight sent a shiver down their spines, realizing the severity of Dai's condition.

"Oh no, Dai!" one of the girls exclaimed, Ingvild's voice trembling with fear. "What's happening to him?"

Rias furrowed her brow, her mind racing as she tried to come up with a solution.
"We need to do something," she said urgently. "We can't just stand here and watch him suffer."

The faction leaders of the supernatural, realizing the gravity of the situation, stepped forward to offer their assistance. They attempted various methods of healing, from senjutsu to phoenix tears to powerful healing spells, but to no avail. The Honkai corruption proved resistant to their efforts, its insidious tendrils spreading further with each passing moment.

"It's no use," one of the faction leaders admitted, Sirzechs' frustration evident in his voice. "We're powerless against this 'power'."

Rias clenched her fists in frustration, her heart heavy with despair. She had never felt so helpless before, unable to protect someone she cared about. As the reality of Dai's dire condition sank in, a sense of foreboding gripped her heart.

"We have to find a way to save him," she said determinedly, her voice wavering with emotion. "We can't let him slip away like this."

But deep down, Rias and the others knew that their efforts might be in vain. The deathly pallor of Dai's skin and the creeping tendrils of Honkai corruption served as a grim reminder of the cruel fate that awaited him. As they stood helplessly by Dai's side, they could feel the ominous presence of <Coordinator> looming over them, its relentless grasp tightening with each passing moment.

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