Chapter 5: Unveiling the Source

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The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a gentle glow over the sprawling city of Nagazora. In Shinjiro's room, Mei and Shinjiro lay in peaceful slumber, their breaths synchronized in the quiet of the night. Naruto rested in the first guest room, while Bronya, Kyuusyou, and Kiana shared the second guest room, the girls choosing to stay together for comfort and safety.

As the night deepened, Shinjiro stirred from his slumber. Unfazed by the need for sleep or sustenance as a Dragon God, he rose from the bed with Mei still sleeping peacefully, her arm draped over his bare chest. With a snap of his fingers, multiple holographic screens appeared around him, displaying complex codes and data.

"Yo, Aiden", Shinjiro called out to the SYSTEM. "We need to fast-fix the universe's future training grounds for the Moderator application. We can't defeat our archenemies with just the two of us. We need to train Mei, Kiana, Bronya, Kyuusyou, Naruto, and our future allies."

"I'm already working on it, Administrator". a hologram of Aiden appeared before Shinjiro. "The progress is at 40%."

"That's good. By the way, how's this universe's stability?", Shinjiro inquired.

"It's at 90%, but I detected trillions of system bugs and errors within the Ethereal Executor Tree (EET) and Ocean of Absolute Truth (OAT) that need debugging and fixing", Aiden replied.

Shinjiro nodded in understanding and acknowledgment of the task ahead. As Aiden vanished, he extended his arms and began typing away on the holographic keyboard with light speed. A million code lines per nanosecond flowed under his command as he immersed himself in his responsibilities as an Administrator.

Meanwhile, in the second guest room, Mei stirred from her sleep, her dreams disturbed. She opened her eyes to see Shinjiro bathed in the ethereal glow of holographic screens, his shirtless form a sight to behold. The alarm clock displayed an early 3:30 AM.

"Ahh, finally done with the bug fixes and maintenance of the EET and OAT", Shinjiro sighed in relief.

Startled by his words, Mei approached him with a hint of Honkai energy reflected in her purple glowing eyes. "Mei, you're awake? No... Herrscher of Thunder, why have you taken control of my girlfriend's body?" Shinjiro questioned calmly but with authority.

"Relax, my perfect God~. My human persona is just sleeping. Unlike that coward, she only takes baby steps in our relationship", HoT!Mei teased playfully, her tone flirty and seductive.

Caught off guard by her bold suggestion, Shinjiro faced the Herrscher's desires head-on. "I want to do... things with you, my God~!" she purred.

"I decline", Shinjiro refused calmly. "Firstly, we aren't married to do that."

"WAIT WHAT!? WHY!?" HoT!Mei protested.

"I promised and respected your father's wishes. We should be married first before we take such intimate actions. But I love you as a whole – your Herrscher persona and human persona. You're like two different sides of the same coin", Shinjiro explained with a hint of Tsundere vibe from HoT!Mei.

"HMPH! You're just like my human host – you both are cowards! But I will be waiting!" the Herrscher playfully retorted before retreating into the core within Mei's body.

Left alone with an unconscious Mei in his arms, Shinjiro looked puzzled. Mei, now awake, inquired, "Shinjiro, what happened? And why are you holding me?"

"Your Herrscher persona briefly took control of your body while you were sleeping. After she left, your body started to fall. Luckily, I managed to catch you before you injured yourself", Shinjiro replied with a soft smile. Grateful for his quick reflexes and care, Mei thanked him before snuggling back into his embrace as they both drifted off into a peaceful slumber once again, cocooned in the comforting embrace of the night.

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