Chapter 3: Bonds Tested by Catastrophe

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[Shinjiro's House]

The room was filled with warmth and laughter as Shinjiro and Mei continued to spend time together. The bond between them grew stronger, and their academic success was something that made Himeko and Ryoma proud. The couple decided to take their relationship to the next level, and Shinjiro invited Mei to his house. As Mei entered Shinjiro's home, she was greeted by the comforting atmosphere. The walls are adorned with memories captured in frames, and the air is filled with the aroma of home-cooked meals by Shinjiro himself. Shinjiro took Mei to his room, and there, on a shelf, was a photobook that caught Mei's attention.

Curiosity sparked in her eyes as she flipped through the pages, revealing images of Shinjiro's early years. She saw his parents, a Filipino-American mother, and a Japanese father, who held him as an infant. Mei couldn't help but notice the absence of his parents in the later pictures. "Shinji-kun, where are your parents in these pictures?"

Mei inquired, a hint of concern in her voice. Shinjiro took a deep breath before explaining, "They passed away twelve years ago during 'The Great Cataclysm.' It was a classified event known only to Schicksal, Anti-Entropy, and the International Awakeners Association."

Mei's eyes widened with surprise, realizing the gravity of the revelation. Shinjiro sensed Mei's trust and continued to share more classified information about the 2nd Honkai Eruption, also known as the 'Great Cataclysm' in the public's view. Mei listened intently, understanding the burden Shinjiro carried. As the conversation deepened, Mei's gaze fell upon a particular picture of a five-year-old Shinjiro. Red lines marked his face, and his skin appeared sickly pale.

Surrounding him were valiant ladies, each exuding strength and determination. Mei felt a pang of jealousy but suppressed it to hear Shinjiro's story. Shinjiro's eyes softened as he spoke, "This picture is from the time I had a severe case of Honkai Radiation. Those ladies surrounding me were my adoptive older sisters, Valkyries from Schicksal."

Mei's eyes sparkled as she turned to Shinjiro. "So, you're saying that Schicksal is a world-class company in video games, technologies, and animations? Its global influence has made it richer than many first-world countries, and its 'Schicksal credit' has become a universal currency. And you mentioned its rival company, Anti-Entropy, which my dad told me about," she said eagerly.

Shinjiro nodded. "That's right, Mei. Schicksal is exactly as you described."

Curious, Mei then asked, "What exactly is Honkai Radiation?"

"Honkai Radiation, also known as the Honkai Sickness, is a fatal disease with a 100% mortality rate. Its cure is incredibly expensive, requiring the antibodies of 1000 people to heal just one individual. Exposure to the Honkai or contact with Honkai Beasts causes this illness. Symptoms include red-computer circuit-like patterns on the skin, loss of eyesight, difficulty breathing, emotional numbness, zombification, organ system failure, and fatigue. Fortunately, I survived and was cured due to having natural Stigmata, which grants me Honkai Adaptability and Resistance. Boys like me with natural Stigmata are exceedingly rare, contributing to the skewed gender ratio caused by the 2nd Honkai Eruption," Shinjiro explained, leaving Mei shocked.

"What is Stigmata, Shinji-kun?" Mei inquired.

Shinjiro proceeded to explain Stigmata, Honkai Adaptability, and Honkai Resistance to Mei. "Stigmata, or Stigmata in plural, are designs or tattoos that form on the skin, indicating that a person has mutated to possess honkai adaptability."

Nodding in understanding, Mei asked Shinjiro to show her his Stigmata. He removed his T-shirt, revealing his perfectly sculpted muscles. Mei's gaze lingered on his chiseled eight-pack abs and muscular back adorned with a tattoo depicting two dragons. One was a muscular western galactic dragon(Represented as Bahamut) with four crown-like horns, while the other was as black as a void(Represented as Derek), with infinity patterns and a dark-red crown-like halo above its head, the dragons were positioned upside-down from each other on Shinjiro's nape. Accentuating Shinjiro's strong neck and powerful physique.

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