Chapter 7: Unveiling Shadows

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Aiden and Shinjiro dove deep into a complex discussion, their voices rising and falling as they delved into the intricacies of EET and OAT stability. As they spoke, the air seemed to crackle with energy, charged by the intense focus of their words. The group of mortals - Naruto, Kyuusyou, Mei, Kiana, Bronya, and Himeko - listened intently, trying to grasp the vast knowledge being shared between the two deities. But the concepts of the Ethereal Realm's Firewall and defense systems were beyond mortal comprehension, like trying to understand the secrets of the universe itself. Their minds struggled to keep up with the divine knowledge and technicalities being discussed.

Naruto furrowed his brow, feeling perplexed as he glanced between Mei and Kiana with a sheepish grin. "I'm lost. Are you guys following any of this?"

Kyuusyou, Mei, and Kiana looked at each other with confusion evident in their eyes, all shaking their heads in disbelief. Mei let out a nervous laugh, "I thought we were here to defeat the Honkai and save the world, not sit through a lecture on cosmic engineering."

As Aiden and Shinjiro continued their discussion, Himeko leaned over to Shinjiro and whispered, "Can you explain this in simpler terms for the rest of us?"

Shinjiro smirked at her and replied, "Think of it as a super-advanced security system in the Ethereal Realm. Aiden and I are just making sure everything is running smoothly. No need to worry."

Himeko nodded, accepting the simplified explanation. After finishing their discussion, Aiden bid farewell and teleported back to the Ethereal Realm. Shinjiro, Naruto, Kyuusyou, Mei, Kiana, Bronya, and Himeko boarded the Hyperion battleship upon Himeko's invitation. They landed at St. Freya Academy on the island of St. Freya in Japan's Far East.

Naruto was immediately taken to the hospital ward for Honkai Sickness patients due to his condition. Bronya, Kiana, and Kyuusyou were treated in a regular ward for minor injuries from the 3rd Honkai Eruption in Nagazora City.

Shinjiro and Mei monitored their friends' recoveries while Himeko took the opportunity to speak with her younger brother.

"Shinjiro, we need to discuss Mei," Himeko said seriously.

Shinjiro raised an eyebrow, asking, "What about her?"

"The higher-ups have made a decision regarding Mei," Himeko said anxiously. She knew discussing this topic with Shinjiro could be delicate.

Sensing the gravity of the situation, Shinjiro's eyes narrowed and an intense aura surrounded him. Himeko gulped nervously, fearing she may have stepped on a dragon's tail.

"To what extent will they threaten my mate?" Shinjiro's voice was cold and his eyes glowed with otherworldly intensity.

Feeling intimidated, Himeko took a step back. "It's not my decision, Shinjiro. It came from the higher-ups."

Shinjiro took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I knew this would happen, no matter which timeline it was. Of course, this Depressed Impact 3rd fanfiction is exactly what I expected - a plot from a terrible author. Do better with your writing! And how dare you threaten my mate, Author! I will find you!"

He yelled at the ceiling, breaking the fourth wall with his galactic dragon eyes and a golden halo-like crown. Himeko was perplexed, unsure who he was speaking to.

Reality seemed to freeze for everyone except for Shinjiro. "Shinjio, that wasn't me I swear. It was part of the original plot to put a bomb in Mei's heart. And said canon plot it in the manga of HI3rd: Escape from Nagazora." said Author-kun as he appeared before Shinjiro.

"I'll grant you one wish in exchange" Author-kun offered.

"I have a wish already – to ensure the safety of my sister Himeko in a future chapter of this fanfiction!" Shinjiro declared firmly. Author-kun nodded in acknowledgment, sealing their compromise. With a snap of his fingers, he erased the memory of Himeko witnessing Shinjiro's fourth-wall-breaking moment, a conversation that leaned more toward a veiled threat against the Author. The narrative seamlessly returned to the flow of reality.

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