Vol. 2 St. Freya Arc. | Ch. 9: Resonance of Unity.

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A/N: Volume 2 kicks off with Chapter 9 - "Resonance of Unity." As Team Awesome settles into their new dorm at St. Freya, a blend of challenges and camaraderie awaits. The resonance of their unity becomes a force to reckon with, shaking the foundations of conventional norms. In the face of evolving bonds and unforeseen trials, the harmony unleashed within this diverse team will shape their destiny in the Honkai-infested world. Get ready for a journey where the strength of their unity will be tested, and the true power of the Vipralopa-Class shall reveal itself. Welcome to the St. Freya Arc!






Himeko and Theresa, having assessed the survivors' profiles, took it upon themselves to lead squads V and VI, respectively

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Himeko and Theresa, having assessed the survivors' profiles, took it upon themselves to lead squads V and VI, respectively. Squad V consisted of Mei, Kiana, and Bronya, while Squad VI comprised Shinjiro, Kyuusyou, and Naruto. The entrance exam to St. Freya Academy began with a written test.

Several hours later, the results were in. Shinjiro and Bronya had achieved perfect scores, showcasing their exceptional intellect. Mei and Kyuusyou secured 95%, while Naruto and Kiana achieved 80% and 75%, respectively. Kiana felt a mix of relief and determination as she teetered on the brink of failure with a score just above the passing threshold. The second test, the combat exam, plunged them into battles against various Honkai Beasts, ranging from Seraph-Class to Templar-Class.

Seraph-Class, the weakest, posed an initial challenge, followed by the formidable Templar-Class, the third strongest among Honkai Beasts.

Seraph-Class, the weakest, posed an initial challenge, followed by the formidable Templar-Class, the third strongest among Honkai Beasts

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Seraph-Class Honkai Beast

Seraph-Class Honkai Beast

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