Another TW (slurs and overall homophobia), considering Tycho cannot keep his mouth shut.
Tycho Black.
"Tycho? What the fuck?"
"What?" Kacey's eyes were focused on my midsection. I followed her gaze to the deep blotches of bruises covering my ribs.
I couldn't catch a fucking break, could I?
"What happened?"
I let out a sigh. I didn't want to have this conversation, considering I was soaked to the bone, beaten to shit, and still recovering from a slight hangover.
"It's nothing, Kace. Just give me the towel." Her eyes narrowed at my reaction as if it angered her slightly.
"No, I want to know. I've never liked when you hid shit from me, and I don't like it now." I felt my lip twitch in disgust. That's rich coming from her.
"You know damn well you have no right to talk about hiding things, Kacey. " She took a step back with this offended expression on her face.
"That was different, Tycho, It's something I had to do, and you know that--"
"Give me, the fucking towel, Kacey!" I spat the words at her, and I immediately regretted it because of how hurt she was. The anger drained from me, and all I was left with was a little bit of hatred to give to myself.
"Listen, please, just- please don't make me talk about this right now, I'm freezing and I need to sleep-"
"Step away from my fucking sister, you prick." Max's words sliced right through mine, drawing both Kacey's and my attention to him, where he stood at the entrance to the kitchen. I didn't register what he said because his appearance took me aback.
His face was clouded in darkness, but I knew he was angry. I could see it in his hands. I knew I had to explain myself before Max thought it needed to do something stupid, like picking a fight he wouldn't win.
"The hell are you so mad about? Mind your damn business." I felt a little confused. I would get it if he thought I was harming Kacey or something, but I've never threatened her during our relationship, so why would I now? She knew that and I did too. Maybe he didn't?
"I know what you did to Alexei, you fuckin asshole." Confusion set it again. I didn't know what he was talking about.
"What? Max, I don't know an Alexei." As much as I wanted to show Max he couldn't talk down on me, I needed to behave. Kacey can't hate me. I wouldn't be able to take it.
"Short, blond with blue eyes? You met him a couple of weeks ago." Max's fury had grown, and he had taken a step forward. His eyes looked up at me with hatred.
And I knew why.
That little homo I had met on the way home, who thought he could talk to me like I was some bitch. I let out a laugh, making my humor known.
"Yeah, so?"
"So? Fucking so? Who the fuck do you think you are hitting people 'cause they're gay, huh?" His breathing quickened.
"Tyke, what's he talking about? What did you do to Alexei?" I laughed again. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
"What, Max, you're mad at me because I pushed some little fag down in the street? So what, he's just mad because I was right?" Max's mouth slammed shut, seemingly surprised at what I said.
"Are you the little shit's boyfriend or something? It was one punch, Max. If he can't handle one asshole in his life then I really don't know what to tell you."
His eye's left mine, meeting the ground in shame.
It was a while before he spoke.
It was quiet when he did.
"What if I was?"
"What if what?"
He looked up. His eyes were brimming with tears and hatred. "What if I was Alexei's boyfriend, Tycho? What if I wanted to be with him, even though he's a guy?"
Disgust hit me like a freight train. I can't even begin to understand what I just heard. That familiar hot feeling swamped my chest, and I pushed down the urge to choke.
"Are you.. fucking serious? A disgusting fuckin'-- faggot was around me this entire time and I didn't even know it?" Nausea built up in my throat but I pushed it down.
Not here
Not here.
I saw something move fast in the corner of my eye, just in time for it to collide with my face sharply. I knew that feeling too, and I didn't have to open my eyes to identify it. Anger and pain went well together.
Kacey had slapped me.
"Don't you ever call my fucking brother that word again, Tycho. I am so fucking sick of your blatant disrespect towards him."
I stared her in the face. It was getting worse.
"You're defending him?!"
Her face screwed up tightly. She bared her teeth.
"OF COURSE I'M FUCKING DEFENDING HIM! He's my fucking brother, you piece of shit!"
I took a step back while she took one forward. She reached out quickly and pushed my shoulders with all of her might, making me stumble back a few steps.
"Get out. Don't ever come near Max or me again until you learn how to be a decent human being, Tycho Black. I'm done being your fucking charity."
And in that moment, I've regretted everything I've ever done.
I stuttered and stuttered trying to come up with excuses and apologies while my wet clothing was thrown at my chest and I was pushed towards the front door. When I realized it wasn't working, I redirected them at Max, whose face was riddled with nothing but disgust.
I allowed myself to be thrown back into the rain because I knew I had fucked up. But I didn't know if there was any way to fix it. At least not tonight. Sadness bubbled inside of me like a fucking volcano, waiting to erupt and bring everything in my vicinity down to its lowest point. But I didn't feel safe enough to stay here. I don't think she'll ever forgive me.
I don't think she'll ever talk to me again.
Alexei Abbots.
"So, I have a little thing to tell you all."
I looked in Max's direction as I was unwrapping the sandwich that Riley made for me. A BLT. Day made.
"What's up, Maxwell?" Day said, mouth full of pizza they had bought together at his house the night prior.
Jesse sent a quick shove his way. I knew he absolutely hated when Day did that, while Day loved that Jesse hated it.
Claire popped out an earbud and looked at Max with a waiting expression. I noticed a slight smirk on her face. I was also surprised that she even paused her show to listen.
I couldn't help to remark, "Wow, Claire. Must be important or the sexy vampires must be bland."
"Harr, harr. Just listen." She sent a wink my way.
"I confronted Tycho."
okay not gonna lie, I basically have been wallowing in shame about the fact that I can't finish anything I start (this book, homework, etc.) but I got two comments on the last chapter and I'm not even kidding, that motivated me to write this and hopefully a little bit more. It just crushes me that someone might actually like this and be disappointed that I'm inconsistent. It's also unedited and terrible, but I like to think that in the future Ill actually be somewhat successful in writing and just rewrite this all I guess.

Teen Fiction{MxMxMxM} "I'm everything I can't be, and I hate it. But I can't do anything about the situation I'm in, so I'll have to deal with it. " .... Tycho Black was struggling with a few things in his life with no one to save him but himself. He didn't rea...