Chapter 13 Part 1

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Tycho Black.

Today was different. 

 The air still stung from the biting cold, and my skin was still sticky with sweat. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, doing its best to distract me from the task at hand. Physically, I felt terrible. 

But something was different

My hands still shook like they did every day. My breathing was still uneven as I stared down at those around me, my face as stoic as ever. But this time, I wasn't afraid. I was confident. 

"Grey twenty-nine fade on-" I knew the play and heard my role. Shit, I knew everything. 

This sport was all I had, so why not be the fucking best at it? 

We clap ourselves out of the huddle and make our way to our positions. Louis is four feet in front of me and slightly to my left. He's crouched behind our wall of linemen and I can see his hands and head twitch. He wants so badly to turn around and make sure I know what the hell I'm doing because we can't afford to lose week one. 

"Set Hut!" Louis's voice rings out as their defense twitches but we don't move. But they were ready; none were penalized. 

"Hut!" Nothing changes.


Then everything explodes. 

Like a shockwave, our play hits them with enough force to tear open their defense and make a hole for me- who just collected the ball from our quarterback's hands. I keep my head low as I run with all my might through the flurry of people and into the open field. My mind tells me to shift to the right- so I do- just in time for our right guard to fly past me and throw all his weight into the defender in front of me so I can keep doing. And I do. The wind fills my eardrums and I go faster and faster toward the end zone, ignoring my still-healing ribs begging for a break. I get there. I turn around and take in the lights, and the crowds, and the cheering, and the announcer, and the scoreboard. I breathe deep because I feel like I finally can breathe. I am free. 

Too bad I can't actually do that in front of people, though.

A locker slams shut behind me, making me jump. 

"Hey!" An arm wraps around my shoulders and I try my hardest to not swing. Because I'm different today. It's Louis. 

"Great fuckin' work today, Man." He's got an easy smile on his face, his full head of curls plastered to his head and face. I look down, realizing all he's got on is a towel.

Please don't touch me.

I breathe out. 



"Thanks." I glance at his face and then immediately look toward my locker, hoping to cut the interaction short. 

"Hey," his tone is more hushed this time. Less demanding. His arm meets the locker next to mine and I feel him lean toward me. I turn around, looking up at him. I can't help but press my back against the locker. I swallow hard, fighting the vice grip anxiety has around my throat and lungs. 

"We were gonna hang out today, just me and a few other guys. You're coming. You should bond a bit more, Man." He laughs at something about my face and flashes that smile again. "I mean, we're gonna be teammates for the next few years, I think its fitting, yeah?"

Anything for you to back up a bit.

"Sure. Send me the address." And sure enough, he backs up a step and laughs, making some comment about me needing to 'lighten up' before walking away. 

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