Tycho Black.
The next two days passed the same way. I wake up, sit in bed, ignore the three men whenever they try to make any sort of contact with me, eat their food, then sleep. When day three came, I realized I smelled. Badly. Everyone else noticed, too.
"Is that you?" Alexei laughed, making a point of plugging his nose. "Holy shit we have got to get you a shower. Like, now." Except I couldn't just shower. I had no clothes. And I wasn't exactly comfortable enough to be naked in this house, even if it was alone behind a locked door.
"Oh wait. You have no clothes?" I nodded, him giving me a sound telling me he understood. An idea seemed to dawn on him suddenly, making him get up from his seat and leave the room quickly. I was a little confused, but I didn't question it. Alexei showed me more than enough proof that he was weird enough these last few days. A few minutes later, he came into the room with a rather large outfit. It consisted of everything I needed. Underwear, socks, a T-shirt and sweatpants. But there were a few problems. The T-shirt and sweatpants were three sizes too big and the underwear was... bright fucking pink?
"Are you serious?" Alexei stopped fretting over the outfit he had chosen for me and looked up at me, slightly disappointed. His eyes hurt, making me take back the remark. "I'm sorry, no- carry on." His smile lit right back up and he went back messing with the clothes. When he was done, he seemed to almost prance around the room with excitement. I couldn't hold in the laugh I had building up.
"Okay! Okay, get up, c'mon. You're showering." He pulled on my hand hard enough to lift me from the bed. I resisted the urge to tug it away from him.
I let him drag me to the bathroom. I could tell this wasn't the one they used because everything seemed clean and nonpersonal. A strike of jealousy coursed through me. Wish I could have more than one bathroom. Alexei threw open the shower curtain. He went over a checklist in his mind, sometimes muttering quietly to himself. In the end, he apparently deemed it worthy for me to shower in. He gave me the outfit he picked out for me.
Before he left, I asked him, "Do you have anything... Y'know, a little less, gay?" He was shocked at first, then he laughed.
"I hate to break it to you, Ty, but everything here is very gay. Plus, those are the only clothes that would fit you. The shirt and sweatpants are Xaviers, because even though you're around Riley's size you're like, muscular. And the socks and underwear are Riley's because you're too small to fit into Xavier's. I know it's weird, but would you really rather wear the same pair again?" He made a face and I couldn't help but agree with him. As much as I didn't want to wear bright fucking pink underwear, it was better than my own. Or at least until I got some of my own clothes here since I'm apparently staying. Unless they kick me out or something. "And don't worry, we'll get you some new clothes soon. We could go shopping maybe later today if you're up for it?" I grew confused. Why shop? I already had clothes. But he seemed to know what I was thinking.
His voice hardened, almost like he was angry. "You're not going back to that house, so there is no grabbing your clothes. If there is anything that you absolutely need like your phone or a charger or something, I'll talk to Xave, but if he disagrees then we'll probably just replace it for you." Replace? A phone? Why the hell would he even think about using that kind of money on me? I didn't know what to say, so I just muttered a quiet 'okay' and watched him as he left, closing the bathroom door behind him. I locked the door because even though they didn't use it, I didn't want to risk someone walking in. I still felt a little untrustworthy around them. Not to mention that they'd probably enjoy seeing me naked, like Louis did. I shivered at the thought of Louis. I still couldn't believe he would betray me so heavily. But I couldn't bring myself to hate him. I wonder how he's doing. I started the water and stripped down.

Teen Fiction{MxMxMxM} "I'm everything I can't be, and I hate it. But I can't do anything about the situation I'm in, so I'll have to deal with it. " .... Tycho Black was struggling with a few things in his life with no one to save him but himself. He didn't rea...