You guys have super powers when it comes to giving me motivation. Thank you. Enjoy. More to come soon.
Tycho Black.
As much as I expected it, I didn't want it to happen.
A week has passed since I rejoined the team and as much as I wanted things just to go back to normal, I knew they wouldn't. I've been completely ostracized from the team. Nobody even looks at me anymore, much less involves me in a conversation. I've been riding the bench since I got back because in Coach Roy's words he "didn't know if I was ready to play again." I begrudgingly understood. That little voice in my head wanted to argue against every little thing I didn't like but the rational side of me knew I deserved it. I insulted their quarterback harshly, and they defended him as a team should.
Louis was the only one who talked to me. I knew he was also trying his hardest to get me back into my original spot, but Roy knew he was just being the nice guy. That was a reason I respected him. He could always see past the bullshit in front of him to focus on what was best for the team. Plus I liked the break. As much as I didn't want to admit it I was rusty.
The whistle blew and the ball was shoved into my hands. Whatever thoughts I had a second ago quickly left my mind as I focused on the drill in front of me. My short goal was to make my way as fast as I could through a set of cones while keeping the ball protected at my side. Thankfully the movement still felt natural. After I was done I ran back to the line and handed it to the kid behind me- who coincidentally was the one now in my position. I thought nothing of it until he finished with his turn.
"Tycho. Nice to finally talk to you." I turned to look at Jayden who I noticed only came up to my collarbone. I'll admit, I was more than a little surprised that he had the balls to talk to me, especially in front of the team. I still had no clue how to talk to people though.
"Hi, Jayden. Do you need something?" I spoke quietly because Coach Roy absolutely hated it when our focus wasn't on the task in front of us, and I definitely needed to be in his good books right now.
"I was wondering if you had any tips or anything to help me out. I'm still fairly new to being first string." A jealous voice in my head told me to tell him to fuck off because that was my position, but I was also terrified that I was completely making myself out to be worth more at halfback.
"I... guess I could. But I've never really 'given tips' before when it comes to football."
The kid's face lit up as if I told him we were going to McDonald's after practice. "Perfect! And hey, I hope there aren't any hard feelings about me taking your spot, man. I really admired how good you were." Were? Who the fuck does this kid think he is? I held down the remark with a bite to the cheek.
Stay in Roy's good books. Stay in his good books.
We stopped talking after that. And the rest of the practice went by smoothly.
I twist the knob to the shower, turning it to the coldest setting. My skin itches for me to cover my naked body, but it stays as an itch. I don't know why, but I weirdly feel more in control this time. And as hard as it is to believe, I don't believe people like Louis are looking at me like I'm prey. At least not here. Here is familiar, so in a way, I feel safe. But reality is always there to rip that feeling away.
"Why the fuck is this homophobic piece of shit here?" Colton.
I could hear him in the locker room. He wasn't exactly attempting to make himself quiet. He wanted me to hear him. A few other voices sounded their agreement at his anger, and the group of them quickly started dragging my name through the mud. A few minutes passed and I was still their topic of discussion. I was more than done with my shower, yet I wanted to stay here. I didn't want to face the hate. At least, not right now.

Teen Fiction{MxMxMxM} "I'm everything I can't be, and I hate it. But I can't do anything about the situation I'm in, so I'll have to deal with it. " .... Tycho Black was struggling with a few things in his life with no one to save him but himself. He didn't rea...