Chapter 24 (18+)

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Tycho Black.

I was in my new room. I still didn't have much to do, but honestly, thinking was my favorite pastime. Especially whenever I was anxious, which I was now. 

I knew from the moment I sat down earlier that Riley was itching to say something to me. I wish I didn't give him a chance to speak. The thought of seeing Louis or any other ex-teammate terrified me. But being a coward terrified me more.

I could practically hear Jason in my head telling me how fucked up I was for even letting a gay person look at me, much less sleep in their home and eat their food. He'd tell me that I was just like them, disgusting and wrong. That I deserved to die, and that he'd gladly be the one to make sure I did. Maybe he should be the one to kill me. How fitting. 

My thoughts were interrupted by a low voice coming from across the hall. They had been speaking to each other for almost an hour now, and I could've sworn I heard them say my name a few times. I ignored them for the most part though, figuring the least I could do for them was let them have at least a little bit of the privacy they had before. 

The voice grew louder. It sounded like a moan almost, and for a second I thought that maybe something was wrong. It happened again, sounding a little more painful than last time. And as much as I wanted to be swallowed in the anxiety I was currently feeling, I found myself getting up and approaching the door.

The voice moaned again, and from here I could tell it was Alexei making the noise. But I didn't hear anything else. I twisted the knob and slowly opened the door, thankfully not making any noise. Of course, even their doors sounded better than mine. I scoffed at them and then laughed at myself. 

I crossed the hall to their bedroom door. Alexei moaned again, but this time I heard something else.

"God, baby. You feel so fucking good." It was Riley. And Alexei wasn't in pain. 

"Fuck- fuck, Riley. Harder, please-" His moaning turned into damn near screaming as the sound of movement picked up and skin rubbed against skin. They were fucking. 

I suddenly gagged hard, the force feeling like a punch to the throat that brought tears to my eyes. I turned back into my temporary room and closed the door quietly before heading to the trashcan under my desk. My body didn't hesitate to empty the contents of my stomach into the can. I wasn't quiet about it either. I prayed they didn't hear me. 

I threw up again. Then again. By the time I was finished, I was so damn tired of gagging that my legs gave out from under me. I slid down the wall and sat against it. Tears were practically streaming from my eyes as I tried my best to wipe them away. But every time I'd try, I'd hear the two grow louder and louder from the growing pleasure. The thought of them doing something like that made me sick, and it fucking hurt. And as much as I tried to block out the noises, it was like my mind was fucking stuck on it. Like it was some trap I couldn't escape. 

The thought of them having sex was no longer just a thought. It had turned into an image in my head, one that was burned into my retinas. Like I had looked into a bright light and now all I could see when I closed my eyes was them. I hated it. 

It seemed like the temperature in the room was rising, making me shrug at my shirt collar. But the temperature seemed to rise with Alexei and Riley. I could feel myself sweating. I gave up on the shirt, tearing it off and throwing it on the ground. 

Stop. I'm tired of this shit. I need sleep because I'm going to school tomorrow. I'm not dealing with this. Goodnight.

I collapsed into the bed, getting as far away from them as possible. I picked up the pillow next to me and covered my head with it in a poor attempt to drown out the noise. 

I will go to sleep. I will go to sleep. I will go to sleep.

But I wasn't tired. Not anymore. There was this distracting feeling dwelling in my stomach, and I had no clue what it was. For a second I thought I had to vomit again, until the feeling traveled lower, settling between my thighs. The entire area burned to the touch, so oversensitive I flipped onto my stomach to sate the uncomfortableness. I groaned, lifting my hips from the mattress in another attempt to calm the pain. It didn't work.

I brought a hand to the front of my shorts, almost jumping out of my skin at the near shock I felt in my groin from the touch. This time it was my turn to moan.

I immediately felt embarrassed, worried they'd hear me. I let my hand wander the area again, feeling my excitement grow from the touch, tightening my shorts in the front. I massaged the area, surprised at how intense the feeling was. Truth is I was never that into jerking off. The only real sexual thing I did was the occasional hookup with a random girl I had met at parties while in high school. But even that grew old. But this? This felt fucking euphoric. 

I kept up the pace of the movement, no longer caring about the possibility of them hearing me. I no longer minded Alexei and Riley, either. 

After a while, the feeling wasn't enough. It felt like I was chasing my first high. And I'd do anything to get it back.

My mind seemed completely tuned into the sex happening in the room right next to me. But this time it was what encouraged me to pull down my shorts and take them off completely before letting them join my shirt on the floor. I wasted no time, wrapping a hand around myself to feel good again.

I went as fast as I could, bucking my hips into my hand. I used my other hand to cover my mouth while I thought of every girl I had ever been with to get off faster. It wasn't working, making me grow frustrated at the lack of motivation I had. So I tentatively let my mind drift further. 

I thought of Alexei. I thought of how it'd feel to be the one sliding into him to make him scream even louder than he was now. I thought of how his legs would feel wrapped around my waist and how his face would look as he finished. I wanted to be the one in that room. I wanted my name to be the name he screamed as he begged for me to fuck him harder. I wanted to bury myself as deep as I could as I finished after he did and dig my fingers into his hips so I'd have a bruise or two to remember what I had done to him.

With him on my mind, it didn't take long for me to cum.

It took even less time for me to reach the trash to throw up anything I had left. 

Hope you enjoyed it. I did not. I am full of shame. Goodnight. 

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