{15}•"ғʀɪᴇɴᴅsʜɪᴘ ᴄʜʀᴏɴɪᴄʟᴇs"•

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In the soft morning light, Anirudh was peacefully asleep in his study, surrounded by a calm atmosphere. Suddenly, the gentle jingling of anklets disturbed his rest, prompting him to stir under the warmth of his blanket. Slowly, he sat up on the couch, his eyes still closed, gradually opening to the new day.

As he emerged from his slumber, the room, once quiet, was now filled with the subtle sounds of morning. The sun was casting a gentle glow, revealing the details of the space around him. The delicate chime of the anklets lingered in the air, creating a contrast to the previously tranquil ambiance. Anirudh, now fully awake, took in the unfolding morning with a mix of curiosity and awareness.

Before him stood Bondita, resplendent in the attire of a bride. Her radiant presence adorned in vibrant hues, draped in an intricately woven red and gold saree, symbolizing the essence of tradition. The intricate patterns and ornate detailing of the silk fabric accentuated the ethereal beauty of the ensemble.

Around her wrists, she wore an array of dazzling bangles that shimmered in the morning light, emitting a melodious chime with every subtle movement. The ornamental bindi on her forehead added a touch of grace, enhancing the allure of her expressive eyes. The soft jingling sound of the anklets, paired with the rhythmic swish of her elaborate bridal lehenga, created a harmonious symphony, echoing the celebration of a sacred union.

As Anirudh beheld this vision, his eyes widened in sheer amazement, and his parted lips reflected a silent acknowledgment of the enchanting sight before him. Bondita, the epitome of grace and elegance, stood as a living embodiment of the cultural richness and profound beauty encapsulated in the attire of a bride.

Bondita's face lit up with a happy smile as she saw Anirudh. With a cheerful demeanor, she walked towards him, extending her hands as an invitation. Anirudh, a bit puzzled but intrigued, took her hands, standing up from the couch with a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Bondita's smile remained, bringing a sense of joy to the moment. In a playful move, she gently guided his hands to rest on her waist. The simplicity of the gesture spoke volumes, creating a quiet connection between them. The room seemed to fill with a newfound warmth, a dance of unspoken understanding unfolding. Anirudh, adjusting to this unexpected closeness, found himself caught up in the charm of the moment, as Bondita continued to share her infectious smile, turning an ordinary morning into a delightful memory.

Bondita- yeh kya baat hui Sakha Babu... Main Yahan Puri Tarah taiyar hun aapki Dulhan banne ke liye aur aap abhi tak so rahe hain?...nahi karni kya shaadi??

With a soft spoken word, Bondita extended a graceful movement, guiding Anirudh's remaining hand to rest gently on her waist. This additional connection brought them even closer, intertwining their presence in a subtle of intimacy. As she spoke, the warmth of her words mirrored the warmth of their newfound closeness, creating an unspoken bond that drew them into a shared moment. Anirudh, now fully immersed in this unexpected closeness, felt the subtle electricity of connection as they stood, their proximity turning the ordinary into a moment suspended in time, marked by the gentle touch and shared space between them.

Suddenly, Anirudh found himself tumbling back onto the couch, shock registering on his face as he glanced toward where Bondita should have been. However, to his surprise, it wasn't Bondita; it was Kabir standing there. Confusion clouded his expression as he realized it was just a dream. Anirudh, caught off guard, pushed himself up from the couch with a start, the lingering sense of intimacy evaporating.

Anirudh- Tummm....Bondita kaha hai??

It was Kabir, not Bondita, who stood before him. Anirudh's momentary disorientation gave way to the realization that the enchanting scenario he had experienced was a mere creation of his dreaming mind. He reached out to push him away, only to grasp empty air. A jolt of awareness washed over him, and he found himself back in the real world.

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