Chapter 3 im home...

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I can't cry anymore..
I just can't be a weakling anymore! "No one can control me!" "Not even Thor will control me!" I look at the sky. Geez out of prison and I'm already more pissed already? Great! I get up and see the village of berk. The dragons flew around and around , with their riders on their back. I have a dragon...,but after I was committed guilty it just...I'm not sure what happened to it. I walked torward the village and walk to the shop. I'm pretty sure they sell weapons their. Besides nobody recognized me. I changed over the years. My brown hair wasn't brown anymore. It was a [different color hair] and it wasn't short anymore it's pretty long reaching to my knees. (Sorry to people who wanted brown hair and short hair super sorry!) my pupils were [eye color]. Though my outfit was made of dark sheep skin, basically my outfit was black. All black. Except for my satchel and my skirt. They were a brown. But my leggings , boots, and shirt are black. I would wash them , in the barrel full of water. Wash it with a rock and good as new. I walk to the shop and See Gobber there , trying to look for something until I walk in. He was still looking for something. "Ahem do you need help finding something?" He turned around and faced me. "[name]!!" He cries out in joy. "The one and only!" I hug the big guy. at least someone didn't forget me..

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