Chapter 5 forget me

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He just stares at me for a moment. It makes me blush a little...Wait what?! Aw hell no! No no no Odin I swear I will beg on my knees , please please please don't make me have feelings for this boy who's now a man , please. Though I feel really really dizzy. I notice my arm bleeding again, my wound on my arm opened when I bumped into a tree. Stupid Vikings who cut my arm. Thank god they just gave me a cut and didn't cut my arm off. I was losing a lot of blood and the world I once knew of turned black.
I blacked out.
~~~~~~Hiccups p.o.v~~~~~
she was on the ground. "[name]?" She had blacked out. Wow I didn't think she would come back after 5 years. And what did she mean , wanted signs? Was she now a criminal? Oh well nobody's gonna carry her but me right now. I pick her up carrying her bridal style.
She has changed since I last saw her. Her hair wasn't short and brown anymore.
They were [hair color]
Her eyes [eye color] where shining more brightly then ever. She didn't look like the teenager I knew back when I was a weakling. She looked more stronger. I checking her out? Oh well it was only to see her changes...May the good Odin forgive me.
your POV
I hear a voice.
"Mmmm five more minutes..,.i don't wanna go to school..." I say, hugging a Pillow.
What happened to me. Did I faint?
"What? Um we don't have school in 5 mins,.."
I hear his voice. I finally open my eyes and deeply sigh. "What happened to me?" I say looking around my surroundings.
"You blacked out, what happened to your arm?" He stares at were the cut is on my arm. It's now wrapped with cloth and red. "I um...I don't wanna talk about it.." I say looking at the ceiling. I can't look at him. I don't hate him.. But I don't like him either. He left me for 5 years. "Thanks for the help but now I am going to go!" I get up and start walking down stairs. His house. I remember this place, I remember stoick, I wondered what happened to him. I was hoping I could at least say hi.
I make it to the door when "hey don't leave , your wound still needs to heal." I make a fist. "Hiccup just forget about out me like you did for 5 years, please." I don't dare look at him. "What?" I hear his voice in shock. "Just forget about me, we were nothing, you never met me. Now have a nice day with your dragon, fiancé astrid , and friends." I turn the doorknob and walk away closing the door on my way out.

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