Chapter 8

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The next day.
I get ontop if midnight and start flying to berk, he teleports us again to berks academy for dragons
I get off of midnight and then lead her to the stables. I am so so so tired,
The cave we slept in made a lot of noise so I could barely concentrate
I go in the arena and just look around me, taking it all in,
This place used to be were they would train to kill dragons...
Funny that it's now used for training them.
"Hey there sexy!" A guy with a black hair says.
I just smirk.
"Your pretty stupid if you think that will make me blush , pervert" I then smack him then knee him in the stomach , which causes him to fall in pain.
"Told you!" I then walk away, to only hear whispers then I hear a shout.
I see the blonde girl calling the man who I kicked in the stomach....
I'm going to get in trouble in my first day...
right when I was gonna do my victory dance , hiccup calls me.
"Uh Ya?"
"Why did you kick snotlout?"
"He was being a pervert and called me sexy...I mean I can't blame him for calling this body sexy I mean look at it" I strike a pose and then laugh.
I look back at hiccup and see him blushing.
"Oops sorry."
"It's ok hiccup."
I still hate this guy but not as much as before though...
Though I plan to make sure that he doesn't think of me as a friend,
More as an enemy..

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