Chapter 7 Hell is Coming

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I feel guilty...
Ugh!!! Why hiccup do you make me feel so guilty?!
I kick a pebble and it goes to the pond.
Dam it...
Suddenly I see a black dragon with purple eyes, and ender dragon as we call them at home...
This creatures are very very rare in the world. Most people never heard of them before...
"M-midnight?" I whisper while trying to get close to the dragon.
He looks at me them starts licking me.
"Awwww midnight!! I can't believe your alive!!" I hug midnight on his neck and squeeze.
He purrs.
"Did you come looking for me?"
He nods his head and continues licking me with his purple tongue.
"Aww who's a good boy!!!" I let go of him and check to see if he still has his saddles on.
"How did you keep it on after all these months?" He has his saddle there.
A little torn but in good shape. "Hey my satchel is still there!"
He has my other satchel that keeps my mask there, my armor and my swords.
I open the satchel and take out the mask and put it on.
"Wanna go flying?"
Midnight Nods and licks me once again.
I get on him and we shoot through the air , flying fast.
"Sloooowwww doooowwwnnn"
I wanted to try something so he slows down and I steadily stand up , both my feet ontop of his back and me standing up.
It's scary and kinda risking your life because your supposed to sit on a dragon, not stand up on it because if he flys fast and your standing up, your definitely going to get knocked out of the dragon.
Suddenly we see a black dragon, smaller then Midnight and has Yellow eye and green eyes.
Wait sec......
Is that a night fury?!
Wait a min....who else has a night fury....
"Gods dam it!"
"You do know it's a little dangerous standing up on your dragon right?" He's wearing a helmet.
Wait he doesn't recognize me...I have my mask on!
"Who cares? I like danger..midnight go fast"
Before midnight goes fast I sit down and hold on to him.
He goes fast , then he shoots his purple fire which makes a portal, and we go through it to only be brought
Into the middle of berk.
"Who is this stranger?"
"Where did it come from?"
"It seemed to have come through the statue."
Everyone stares at me and whisper.
I see the night fury and it lands right next to me.
"How did your dragon do that?"
I take off my mask and everyone gasps even hiccup gasps.
"I don't know you tell me Master of The dragons"
I say
Really annoyed
"She's wanted all over berk..."
People start whispering again and some people even glare at me.
I sigh.
I then see a blonde girl who's hair is braided and she comes forward to were me and hiccup are.
"I've been dying , praying, bleeding and screaming hiccup, I've been too lost Ya know ha, I now lost my emotions over the years"
I glare at him.
I hate his guts.
"[name] like I said I'm sorry!"
"Apology not accepted, but over time maybe I may get my emotions back and be that little weakling everyone once knew and 'love', anyways I need to stay here to plead me not guilty of a crime I didn't commit."
"Ya you basically now know that your old 'best friend' is now a 'murderer' technically to the people here"
"Who are you?!" The girl with blonde hair says.
"My name is [name] you must be astrid?"
I'm not really sure since I don't remember anything else besides her blonde hair.
"How did you know?!" She's surprised and shock.
"Oh....I know everything dear"
I say.
"I'll be here for a while, joining your academy for dragons I need to learn more about my dragon" I sigh out patting midnight on the head.
"Whats your dragons species name?" Hiccup eyes midnight for a while and he growls.
"It's an ender dragon..."
"What's an ender dragon?"
"I'll tell you more about it when the academy actually starts which is tomorrow so good day hiccup"
"Where are you going to go?"
"Looking for a cave i don't know but somewhere far away from you!" I yell out when midnight shoots her fire again making another portal , which we go through and it teleports us to a mountain.
"He's such a pain in the ass that makes my heart beat , midnight..."
I have to admit my heart was thumping when he saw me...

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