Chapter 11 Crap.

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I see hiccup, on the docks smiling a little at his dragon, toothless, I stop for a minute
When I notice the sunset...settling...
I take it all in, closing my eyes, the wind flowing with my hair. I miss this...
I haven't actually took in a sunset, the wind, my life all in,
In a while.....
I sigh, and then open my eyes, seeing hiccup, not there at the docks anymore, I smirk, and then I whistle for Midnight, as I see the portal, he flows out from the portal then it disappears. "Hey boy.." I scratch him under his chin, when I hear a familiar voice. But angry...
"Hey [name]!"
Come hiccup really?! "What do you want hiccup, did your stupid fiancé tell on me?"
I look over to see his face in shock but it goes back to angry. "Why did you hurt her?!"
"Come on hiccup it was only me , hurting her wrist what could possibly happen by doing that?!"
"No! Don't lie to me why did you punch her?! She has a black eye because of you!"
What?! Ok whoa I did not give her a black eye!
God seriously!? What did that bitch tells him?!
"Hiccup No! I'm not lying! And it hurts Ya know! It hurts that you would believe that I would punch her! It hurts to think that you think I'm lying! I've been there for you before her! God I can't believe I'm gonna admit this but hiccup! I loved you before she even noticed you! And to think that you thought I was lying?! What an asshole you are!" I suddenly grab him by the collar, then I kiss him....
My heart started thumping.
Shit I didn't mean to....kiss him....
He kisses back which surprises me, but I take it anyway.
No [name] you can't have these types of feelings, not for anyone. I am a murderer , I'm not good enough for him, plus...
He thought I was lying...
I feel a tear drop on my cheek and then realize that I'm crying. I then stop kissing him, and push him back.
I can't love. "But like I said hiccup....
I don't need to love nobody"
I then turn around, I don't notice the blush on my cheeks, and get ontop of midnight.
"Midnight portal, we're going back"
"[name] wait!"
"Midnight now!"
Midnight immediately makes a portal and we go through it, the last thing I see is hiccup on his knees....

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