Chapter 18 Mother..

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"We made it your highness!" I was hiding behind a tree, spying on the ship that I knew very well who it belonged to.
The evil queen. My mother...
I sigh and turn around seeing the fireflies surround the small pond below me.
I smile a little and look back to spying on her.
The ship settles on shore of the beach, and then the queen comes out, wearing a dark red dress, as dark as blood, and a matching hat to go along with it.
I look down to see the Knights gather behind and in front of her.
My mother has magic, she is powerful. But not too powerful...
But I wasn't born with it. Ya you would expect for me to be born with such powers as her, but no,
I was born a regular a human, I really don't care about magic though.
All I care about is protecting the people I love.
I then see her raise her hand and purple smoke surrounds a guard, the smoke clears and all I see is a small grey rat.
Yep this is my mother, the one who thinks she is the fairest of them all.
Seriously?! No one is the fairest of them all! EVERYONE IS BEAUTIFUL!
Grr selfish people like her make me sick. I sigh and then climb down the tree. I quietly get back on Midnight back and sigh. "We need to go back..."
I whisper into his ear and he nods, he teleports us to the cave, I then get off of him and walk to the cave wall. I grab a piece of charcoal from the floor and start writing on the cave wall.
I need a plan to destroy her...
So she won't hurt others...
So she won't hurt hiccup...
Evil queen POV
..he was a terrible knight anyway. I then start walking,
The woods never made me tremble, or even made me disgusted , the woods were my home when I was small.
I huff and continue walking. I then see cottages and dragons. What an 'honor' to be here..
I then see a handsome young man, with brown hair and green eyes. I suspect this to be-
"Hello" the man says politely.
"You must be Queen Rose" I nod and bow, "it is an honor for you to be here at my village for my wedding"
I looked into this mans eyes, and saw something I thought I would never see in a mans eyes.
sadness, depression , longing, so many emotions...
They all made me shiver. "Thank you hiccup for inviting me"
He nods and walks away,
Hmm what did she do while I was gone.

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