Chapter 12

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Midnight and I Teleport back to where I came From , TikTok.
I know weird name, but Time doesn't get waste in my village. Everyone works hard, kids Play
And enjoy their time. At night we would celebrate our living, if someone came back , we would celebrate their return, if somebody came new, we would welcome them.
The only thing we didn't welcome was dragons, and a group called SpiderKings,
Spider Kings were assassins by a near by village named BloodDay.
One of their sons wanted to marry me, my father was to say yes, I would have to be wed.
I didn't mind back then anymore. I knew hiccup loved astrid, I felt as if to give up.
But the wedding was off, and the SpiderKings Were now our enemies. I didn't come here to stay, I came here to pick up my only friend.
We flew down to the town square, I looked up, knowing everyone was staring at me.
God....I swear. My father was talking to one of the towns people, I recognized my best friend.
"Knight!!" I got off of midnight and knight looked at me, his blue eyes locking with [eye color] ones.
"[name]!!" I hugged him, noticing he got taller the last time I saw him. We break the hug
And take a good look of one another. "Is it just me or did you get shorter?" I punch his shoulder playfully then chuckle. "Shut up" I was still laughing when I said that.
I noticed my father looking at me. I glared him, oh if only looks could kill, he would be dead!!
"Hello father" he looks down ashamed of himself.
"Hello [name]" he walks up to me quietly, he goes to hug me but I back away.
"Sorry I don't take hugs from strangers , come on knight" my father was in shock when
I said that. He deserved it, I don't pity people, I don't like when people pity me.
I grabbed Knights hand , which only caused him to blush. "Come on get on midnight" he nods and gets ontop of him, I go on midnight, knight in front of me, I put my arms around his waist. "We need to go back to berk, midnight go"
Midnight blows his purple fire, and makes a portal, we go through it and land on the beach of berk.
I notice knight still blushing. He gets off and helps me off of midnight. I reach up to my toes and pat him on the head. "Thanks for coming with me knight" he just gives me a confused look. "I didn't have a choice Ya know, all you did was say a few words and just grabbed my hand.."
I shrug."it's worth it , come on knight, dinner is on!!"
I run off, knight knows berk really well, we would always hang out here, but I met hiccup before knight,
Knight was their for me when hiccup was busy, knight became my full best friend after hiccup became famous in his village.
We run to the tables and I'm on the one side of the table while knight is on the other side. Playing a quick tag, "you can't get me!!" I yell out, I see him smirk. "Ya I can!!" He quickly runs to me and hugs me, I smirk."AWWW did you miss me so much you wanted to hug me! Awww well I lov Ya too knight!!" He rolls his eyes and let's go of me.
I turn around and notice hiccups friends were sitting on a table along with hiccup, he looked glum.
My heart hurts, and I look away.
"Hey you look new here"
Shit....somebody noticed. I turn around when I see Fishlegs say hello to Knight.
"Uh....Ya he is new here now come on knight lets g-"
"Oh so that's your name?"
Snotlout introduces himself to knight , no no no! Knight...
Knight smirks a little and looks at me with alarming eyes. "Hum...knight..."
I look around and see astrid and hiccup stare at me.
Astrid is biting her lip. No no!! I look up at knight and grab him by the collar, I whisper a small sorry and he hears it. I then kiss him, he kisses back.
I smirk into the kiss, enjoying it a little.
This feels wrong, entirely but...
I break the kiss and notice that astrid is glaring at me, hiccups eyes look sadder, and he gets up and leaves the place.
....what did I do!!

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