Chapter 13

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(A/N: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE LIKES AND COMMENTS!! Omg and this has over 700 reads!! I am so happy I could I could OMG IDK XD but thank you so much for The likes and I really love reading the comments , they make my day and get me inspired to do another chapter thank you guys I love you all!!)
I got away from the crowd, I forgot about knight entirely, and I ran to
Hiccup was with toothless...I sigh calmly and took deep breaths before I was gonna say hello to him...
But I see astrid coming, Hmm this might be interesting..
Gods why am I such a nosy person? I hid behind a wall of the academy and sit down, getting comfortable...
I don't hear what they are talking about , but I hear kiss noises, I look back and see astrid kiss hiccup, this...
Breaks my heart...
I know I kissed knight...but...I was protecting him...from her, and I didn't want hiccup to be hurt because of astrid, I rather let all his hate go to me then his own fiancé , I don't like astrid, she annoys the crap out of me. But...I don't want hiccup me, I love him...but if he loves me, things could go wrong, I could mess it up, and later on he probably won't love me...not even like me...
I get up from the ground and walk over to astrid and hiccup, I smirk.
"Might have to keep your mouths to your selfs , I hate for you two to have swollen lips filled with your" I shiver a little "'love' and 'passion' it kinda....disgust me a little , MIDNIGHT!!"
when they hear me they stop kissing and look at me,
Astrid with anger...
But with hiccup....a sadness I never knew could be on a person...
What did I do..
What kind of soulless creature am I?
Midnight teleports to me and I grab hiccup by the hand and force him to go on top of midnight, astrid starts running after us, and I get ontop of midnight, he suddenly goes up to the air,
And shoots his purple fire to the air, I fly through it, we teleport to our cave, I get off of midnight,
And lean on the cave wall , not looking at hiccup once.
"What do you want from me?"
I still don't look at him when he asks me that.
I shrug "I don't know hiccup....I..just...grrr I DONT KNOW WHY!!" I punch the wall and it breaks a chunk off the cave wall.
What the hell?! Since when could that happen?!
I just keep my cool and act as if I ment to do that....
But inside my emotions were running, and this only made my emotions run higher.
I finally take a deep breath and look at hiccup. "Hiccup..." I walk torward him , but he only walks back, until he makes it to the wall of the cave.
"Hiccup I'm sorry..., I...Knight...was a friend of mine...and i was protecting kissing him...
I can't explain it, but it felt wrong..
It felt wrong..." I sigh out, looking into hiccups green eyes. He just nods and doesn't look at me. It was already night time, and I sighed, I go to brush away a bang from hiccups eyes, but immediately take my hand back. I feel forbidden to touch him, he is like this emerald so special, and so delicate, yet he's like a rock, unbreakable and strong, he could break others, but...
He could break himself doing so.
I just put my hands in my pocket and look down. "Look if you want to leave you ca-"
I feel something so soft on my lips, I feel a spark, electricity , I feel as if I'm melting. I look up to see hiccup kissing me, his eyes closed, I close my eyes and kiss back..
I love him...with all my heart..
I can't stand to..lose him..

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