Chapter 4 forget it

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Gobber lets go of me and I take deep breaths. Damn that guy hugs really tight but he's like a father to me then my own dad. "so what do you need today?" I stare at his hook then quickly look away, wondering how he didn't stab me while hugging me. "well I need a-" I get cut off by the door of the shop opening. I Turn around to take a quick peek and scowl a little. Its him. The one I plan to never forgive. I turn back to gobber and grab a strip of cloth from my satchel to cover my mouth and my nose with it. I can't let him recognize me. "hello hiccup!" gobber says grabbing a sword covered with leather. "hey gobber did you see astrid by any chance?" I look down, just listening to their conversation. "wait hold on let me help out -" I stare at him with plead in my eyes. "help out me" I whisper finishing his sentence. "I need two swords small swords that I can use at the Same time please.." I don't look at hiccup. Though I must say, he wasn't the toothpick that he used to be. No he grown up. Looked more mature and strong, healthy and handsome. I don't mean it in love just as a person. "Hi you must be new here." He smiles looking at me. "No I've been here for a long time, just no one notices I'm here anymore." I say sternly , and turned around. "Thanks for at least saying hi , I haven't heard those words from you in years." I run out of the shop and keep running. I make it to the forest and untie the cloth from my face. I take in another deep breath. "Fresh air geez already free and I see him again, great just great!" I am so irritated I just never want to see him again. "Hey you ran out of there without finishing your order." I turn around to see him out of breath. He's shocked when he sees my face. "No I finished my order i was just fine until you came though." I sigh out. "You look familiar....have I seen you before?" He gets closer trying to see if he recognize me. "Ya probably at the wanted signs that were here 5 months ago" I smirk. "What?" He is confused. "Oh ya you probably never seen them because your too busy with your fabulous life" I am getting really really mad. "Excuse me?" He looks sorta confused mixed with I don't know what your talking about look. "Ya know hiccup? It kinda sucks to me that you don't even recognize your own use to be best friend , it kinda hurts ya know?" I half yell. He's shocked. "[name]?" He whispers. I smirk "the one and only"

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