Chapter 14

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We break the kiss, I'm blushing entirely and I look away. "..ahem...we need to...start a fire its um gonna get cold"
I say, starting to leave the cave for wood , I still don't look at him.
He's a married man, I...just can't.
When I come out and then go look for wood. I feel a hand around mine. Hiccup..
I still don't look at him. "...[name] please don't think what we have is wrong..because it's right...
We are right..this is real" I take my hand back, and back away.
"I'm just going to go get wood"
He just nods, a sadness in his eyes, I go and run to the woods, sighing to myself.
"Beat it..." I say to myself.
24 minutes later.
I come back with wood in my hands and bring them to the cave, hiccup asleep.
I smile at his sleeping form, he looked happier, he looked like the hiccup I knew when I we were younger, not so worn down, not so full of stress. I sigh and start the fire, I then touch hiccups forehead a little and see that he's cold, I nod to midnight and he wraps himself around hiccup, I smirk and then lay down next to midnight. I fall asleep.
I woke up to a beautiful gloomy morning. I yawn and got out of the cave to find a lake, once I do I undress and step in the lake.
"Hey [name]-" I then turn around and see hiccup.
At times usually the women blush, but me.
Hiccup POV
beads of water sparkled on her. I blush immidiialtey and look away.
She was naked....
"What did you need hiccup?"
She's calm, not even blushing,
Does she not think of me as a man?....
"N-never mind.."
She doesn't respond and I leave quickly.
....I blush even more.
Dam it hiccup..
I sigh and quickly washed myself, I got dressed again and went back to my cave, I wasn't crazy about braids or, leaving my hair up so I always left my hair down. I brush my hair along the way of going to cave, I make it to the cave and see toothless already there. "Hey boy.." I pay toothless and his slits in his eyes turn to big circles. I smirk. I whistle to midnight. "Come on Bpy we gotta go, Toothless make sure to drop hiccup off ok?"
Toothless nods and I smile.
I got on midnight and we teleported to the town square.
I got off of midnight and hugged knight immediately . " was last night?"
He just nods and hugs me back. He must've missed me.
Raven taps my back and I look at him, he lifts his guitar.
I nod. "Knight?"
"We rehearsed last night, this song Is based off you and your problems and how you want people to um beat it?"
I start laughing when knight says that.
I nod, smiling "Yep!"
"Then we're gonna sing this tonight" I nod,
"Knight...thanks for coming when I needed you the most, your truly a best friend"
Ravens arms are crossed he pretends to look hurt. "Aww Raven your my best friend also" he smiles and hugs me. "Hell Ya I am!!"
We all do a group hug, when I see hiccup come back, astrid smiles when she sees hiccup and kisses him.
Making my heart hurt.
...God...I swear..

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