𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑

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Atlas and I talk for about five minutes then, I go to my room and start to get ready. I wear an elegant, black chiffon dress, with sheer, flared sleeves. The neck is deep, ending at my mid-stomach. I walk around the room to see how I would look at the party and the dress revealed its seductive, tempting side. The slit of my dress started a little higher on my thigh and with every step, more of my lower body was disclosed and which added not only a chic look but also a daring look as well. The rest of the dress introduces my curves to the look. I let my brunette waves down and it bounces on my shoulder with every step I take. I put on my small diamond earrings. I wear black, shiny heels that match my outfit. I move my hair from my back, making it rest on one of my shoulders. I try to reach for the zip but I'm unable to.

As I stand there, struggling with the zipper, frustration begins to creep in. I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. This shouldn't be so difficult. With a determined sigh, I twist my arm, attempting to reach the stubborn zipper once more.

Crap. How the hell am I going to zip my dress? I say to myself.

I make my way to Atlas's room and knocked on the door. He didn't open the door. Zade did. "Oh um hey is Atlas here?" I ask

 "No. He's in my parent's room. Is there anything I can help you with?" He replies. 

"Oh um thanks but no I just, I couldn't zip my dress so I needed some help but it's fine, I'll just ask Uncle Joshua." I explain

 "Oh easy" He pulls me inside the room by my wrist.


"Turn around," I tell her and she obeys, her cheeks red as she is visibly very shy all of a sudden. I move her hair back. 

"There's no need to be shy, Love." Silence fills the room as I take my time zipping her, my fingers touching her back more than they need to. I let go of the zipper and move her hair back to its original position. 

"T-thank you" Elena says shyly. 

"My pleasure. You look gorgeous" I reply "it should be illegal to be so gorgeous" is what I don't say to her. I tug a strand of hair behind her ear. I notice her staring at me and I lean in to her ear. 

"You done staring? I mean I really don't mind but it's kind of getting late, sweetheart." I ask and she burns up as I do. She silently leaves the room.

I didn't know she was such a shy of a person: stuttering as she thanks me, leaves the room shyly, cheeks flushed as I talk to her. She looks very winsome when she's shy. I couldn't be more attracted to the look of her.

As Elena leaves the room, her face flushed, I can't help but smile to myself. Seeing her react to my presence, to my touch, it's exhilarating. She's like a delicate flower, blooming under my gaze. I follow her down the long staircase, my mind lingering on her, oblivious to the voices around me. Uncle Joshua's reprimand barely registers as I focus on Elena's every move.

When we reach the main hall, I notice Elena heading towards Mother's and Father's room, just as I had told her Atlas would be there. She knocks, and Mother warmly welcomes her, but Elena seems distracted. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of her interacting with Atlas alone.

Before I can dwell on it further, Joshua informs Elena that she'll be riding with Atlas and me. As Atlas rushes to claim his seat, I make my way down, adjusting my blazer. When I reach the car, I wait for Elena, offering her a gentlemanly gesture to enter first.

Inside the car, Elena sits between Atlas and me, and tension immediately fills the air as Atlas teases her about her music taste. Their banter escalates, but I intervene, urging them to stop acting like children. Despite the brief moment of peace, their squabbling continues until we finally arrive at the mansion.

Exiting the car, I lead the way, holding the door open for Elena. As we enter the hall, I can't shake the feeling that tonight will be an interesting one. With Elena by my side, anything seems possible.

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