𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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It's five after ten and I'm already dozing off. We are at the part where the Entity's room aboard the Russian submarine Sevastopol may be unlocked with the use of two keys that Ethan Hunt and his group possess. I'm sitting on the extreme left reclined seat. Atlas sitting on my right; then Christopher and Zade being the closest to him on the other sofa. Near Zade are Jeremiah, Alex and Andrew. My eyelids feel heavy and it hurts to keep my eyes open. 

"Kay guys, I'm going to head to bed; Long day tomorrow, Goodnight, sleep well," I say while stretching my arms and getting up. Everyone besides Zade greets me with a "good night" and I'm on my feet. 

"Yes, I should go as well." I hear Zade say "As Elena rightly said- Tomorrow is going to be exhausting" He adds as I'm already climbing the stairs.

I stumble as I reach the second floor and head to the third room to the left. Just as I twist the doorknob with my right hand, my left one's wrist has been held.

Who would kidnap me in a house that I know like it's my own? I think. I guess not all criminals are masterminds.

I turn around only to see the familiar face and questions fill my mind. just as I am about to speak, I get interrupted by the man in front of me "The movie sucked" Zade informs. 

"Then why did you wait for one hour and twenty minutes to leave?" I ask.

 "Because you asked me to and I thought if you were leaving, there was no point to stay" He explains. 

"Whatever, Zade. I barely know you and I don't know why you keep coming to me and I don't want to know so please, let me sleep. Night" I inform. 

 "Wait-" He says as he places a hand on the doorknob, trying to push it. 

"Why did you ask me to join you guys for a movie?" He asks "I want to know, sweetheart. Did you want me?" He asks again. To be honest, I don't the answer to those questions either. Why did I ask him to join? Did I want him? 

 I say the only lie that I could think of "I just thought that it would be nice to have everyone together, I mean, we be barely are together so.." A soft smile plasters on his face and it looks genuine. Zade Alton genuinely smiled. 

"Right. So good night" He says "Night" I greet him back and enter my bedroom.


I walk to the end of the corridor, towards my bedroom. What was I thinking? Where are my goddamn senses? But that's the thing: When I'm around Elena Sanchez, I lose my senses and I will forever have trouble in finding them. She drives me insane. If she isn't the reason why I'm breathing in this toxic world, I don't know what is. I've been proposed with many things that other people my age could only dream of. A smoke black Ferrari 458 Speciale A on my seventeenth birthday, a Rolex Daytona on my 15th birthday and yet, all I want is her. I look at my study table and see the pile of papers of my new life in Chicago. New life. New start. I cannot afford to screw this up not only being the next mafia king, but also as one of the founders' son of the world's largest trading company, SanchezAlton Global Trading Co. That's when it all started. With trading. Around 60 to 70 years ago, two extremely close friends, Diego Sanchez and Albert Alton, decide to quit their parents' dreams, The Mafia, not entirely quit but not entirely focus on it either, they decided to go their own way. They are stories about how their daughters, Ashley Alton and Cecilia Sanchez, fell in love but neither of the families would allow it. "Maybe, one day, An Alton would fall in love with a Sanchez or vise versa but for now, It's nothing but partnership. Especially when they are of the same gender" The elders used to say back then. Love is nothing but a bastard. It throws its self at people who can break our hearts on and on. It manipulates one's mind so much that they would kill for the kind of love that they felt with the wrong person. At the wrong time. At the wrong life.

I strip the clothes of my body and relax myself in the hot bath I turned on before reading in the study room. The hot liquid hitting on my skin is having a war with the cold blood beneath. I let my self enjoy this moment of tranquility while sipping on wine.

How would it feel like if Elena wanted me the same way I craved her? The though fills my head and I can't help but allow it to do so. Kissing her every night until my eyelids give up. brushing my lips on hers before I leave for work. Soft moans escaping her lips when I eat what I missed when we were away from each other. Undressing each other to do what we desired. To call her mine.

I could die if I kept thinking about her but my mind wont allow me to stop. I dry my body, which yearns for Elena's touch. I wear my boker-breifs and collapse on my bed. Will tomorrow be different? Will I be forgiven for the sins I have done and thought of and I get blessed with Elena starting to be attracted to me the same way I attract to her? If only she could remove the veil in front of her eyes to see how deeply attached I am to her. Her personality and her body. Her eyes and those filthy words I imagine her to say. It's terrifying how a girl who's almost two years younger than me make me want to obey each and every command she gives me. Hell, I'd be on my knees for her.

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