Beta Readers Needed!

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Hello! It's definitely been a while, but I've spending the last 1.5 years writing a revised version of this book. It's truly the story that I wanted for Morena and Elijah. It's about differences, connection, and sacrifices vs this wattpad book just being superficial and smutty.

That being said, I just finished the new book and need about 3 beta readers. I want people who are open minded (and preferably don't have a queasy stomach/aren't triggered by violence, rape and murder). I need people who can provide substantial feedback.

I really appreciate all the love and attention you all have given the wattpad story of Morena and Elijah. It's now time to make way for the real, soul churning story to have its own light.

If you are interested, just shoot me a message on here!

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