Chapter 7

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I danced everyday the following week, but it was out of desperation not for fun. It was hard to have fun while dancing when I had a deadline for my tuition and when I worried about Elijah coming back into the lounge. I couldn't help but glance at the door every few minutes, though he never came in.

It was Friday night and I only had two more nights to obtain the rest of my tuition. I had about two thousand dollars remaining, so I was hoping that a big group of intoxicated men came in and waved around cash.

I had practiced pole dancing during the days to learn more complex moves. Paulina and Chanel came in with occasionally to give me a few pointers. There was no competition between us, we genuinely wanted the best for each other.

I danced to a few songs, but it wasnt until the last minute of my final song that two men walked into the lounge. I was on the pole, doing an inside leg hang, so I didnt want to risk getting a closer look of who they were but my gut already knew it was Elijah and his friend.

The song faded out and I slid down the pole, landing gracefully and strutting out of the stage. I stood behind the curtain and held onto my chest, my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest.

Chanel walked over and rubbed my back."Are you okay, babe?"

"I think I'm just exhausted," I lied. I knew that knowing that Elijah was out there was making me incredibly nervous.

"Pole dancing really is an exercise. Sure, its sexy but requires strength and hard work. Look, I dont want you to drain yourself before school starts so I can just give you the $2000, but please pay me back as soon as you can."

I gave her a tight hug. "Really?"

She laughed and returned the hug. "Yes, babe. You're like a sister to me."

How did I go from being homeless and alone to having my whole life looking up in a matter of weeks? I had a beautiful apartment, the best roommate, loving coworkers and boss, plus more money than I could've dreamt of for being an 18 year old. My life was getting too good to be emotionally controlled by a man I didn't even know. I had been intimidated by too many men in my life and I had to put a stop to it.

I released myself from the hug and stood up with more confidence. "I want to keep working, but I'll take it easy. If I'm short by Sunday night, maybe you could help me then?"

She rubbed my arm. "Of course! Anyways, let's start flirting with some men." She winked at me, hooked her arm around mine and we walked out into the lounge together.

We approached some of the men together, flirting and laughing with them. We even went to a table that had couples, both the men and women were equally turned on by our presences. A red headed woman asked if Chanel and I would kiss for two hundred. I was hesitant since I've never kissed a girl, but I liked it. Chanel had full, pink tinted lips that made the kiss pleasant.

"Oh, let's go over there," Chanel said as she nodded her head towards Elijah's table. "The sulking man is kind of turning me on." If Chanel wanted Elijah then I would be left with his friend and I didnt want another awkward confrontation.

"Let's go to that table over there!" I pointed to a table where a honey haired man sat with his eyes on us. He had been eyeing me the whole night and recently  became one of my top tippers.

"Hes most likely going to want only one of us," she whined lightly.

"Well, you can go to the sulking man's table and I'll go to the other guys table. If we arent lucky, we will go do another table together."

She shrugged. "Okay, that works." She walked towards Elijah's table and greeted both men by wrapping her arms around them.

I walked over the my top tipper's table and he smirked when he noticed my presence. "Well, how are you doing beautiful?"

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