Chapter 5

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"Look, I really dont want to do this," I begged as Paulina walked me into the girls room. She plopped me down onto her seat and pulled out her makeup bag.

"You'll do just fine! We're just going to a quick smokey eye." She started putting black eyeshadow on my lid.

"My legs arent even shaved!" I said desperately.

Paulina opened up her locker and grabbed a pair of stockings, skimpy shorts and bra. She handed it to me with a great smile. "You can borrow it."

The set was black and jewel embellished. This wasn't my type of clothing, this lounge wasnt even my type of scenery. I was beyond angry and on the verge of crying due to the overwhelming negative feelings.

Ronny had done a lot for me, he gave me the money I needed to find a home. I could've just ran with the money and he would've lost it all. He trusted that I would come back and helped me when I needed someone the most. I could either make it up to him for helping me out or give back the money.

"Okay," I whispered. "Let's try and do this."

"Atta girl! Go get dressed and be careful with your face. Your makeup looks fire!"

I examined myself in the mirror and was pleasantly surprised. Although I didnt feel confident and sexy in the inside, I looked it from the outside. I actually looked desirable for once in my life.

"Do you need a shot?" Paulina offered as she pulled out a clear bottle. "Itll loosen you up."
Does no one here care that I was underage? Did they have some pass from committing illegal activity?

I've drank before and I ended up sleeping with someone I had no interest in. A shot didnt seem like a good idea but I was too stiff.

I did a "give me here" hand motion and threw the liquor into my mouth without another thought. It burned like a bitch but it was going to make me a bad bitch. "And another," I requested.

Paulina wrapped her arm around mine and escorted me to the curtains, which led to the stage. The liquor didnt hit me yet so I was beyond anxious.

"I dont think I can do this," I squealed.

Paulina cupped my shoulders and shook me. "You will be fine! I'm going to have DJ Louie play a few songs that I have in mind, and just feel the music."

I shook my head. "I'm not even a big music person."

Paulina rolled her eyes and went through the curtains to get to DJ Louie. What music was she going to play? I hoped it wasn't too edgy or too girly.

She came back behind the curtain and flashed me a mischievous smile. "We're ready."

The song started to play, it started off with a mixture of beats and snaps. It sounded familiar, and then a recognizable voice began to sing. Paulina chose Partition by Beyonce for my intro song.

I snapped by head quickly and glared at her. She smiled proudly and opened the curtains so I could make my entrance.

I strutted onto the stage with the idea that I was walking down the runway. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, every little girl has dreamt of being a model. I scanned the audience who looked at me with intrigued eyes. A few of the men corrected their posture and leaned in closer to the stage.

I wrapped each hand around separate poles and swung my hips side to side, slowly lowering myself down as I flipped my hair back. I was making my way back up the pole in a seductive manner when a group of younger men entered the lounge.

They circled around one of the nearby tables and the man wearing a white button down shirt locked eyes with me. Our gaze was fixed as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

I wrapped both hands around a single pole and slowly preformed a fan kick. I swung around the pole and once again, lowered myself as I stook my rear out.

As the song progressed I felt a bit more relaxed, and even licked my lips as I gazed at the audience. Some men in suits moved up closer and handed me a few bills which I quickly stashed in my bra as I continued my dance.

I walked my hands onto the floor and crawled towards the group of men that walked in during the beginning of my performance. The man I locked eyes with looked at me with a raised eyebrow and rubbed his bearded chin. He was hard to read, it didnt seem like he enjoyed being at the lounge but was intrigued by my dancing. His friend, a blonde haired man with a clean shaven face eagerly waved a few hundred dollar bills.

He hit his friend, the bearded man, with the cash and told him to lighten up. I sat on the edge of the stage and traced the outline of my body with hands. I got off the stage and circled the table, then ran my fingers around the blonde haired man's back. He lightly groaned and shook his head. Though, I enjoyed his reaction, I wasnt too interested in him.

I walked over to the bearded man and his eyes were alert, scanning my body and predicting my moves. I could feel the alcohol kicking in, I felt euphoric and confident with every move. I traced the bearded man's chest and seductively lowered myself onto his lap. There was heat radiating between us and I could sense his breathing becoming ragged. I gently laid myself onto him and I could feel his hot breath on my cheek.

"Lucky bastard," his blonde haired friend commented to the third man sitting at the table.

There was some sort of harshness to him. It was as if he was resisting the urge to enjoy himself. I raised myself up and made my way back up to the stage.

I danced to a few more songs, receiving money practically every few minutes. Before exiting, I glanced back to the table where the bearded man was sitting but he wasnt there. His friends were still seated, their hungry eyes following my movement, but his seat was vacant.

"I knew you would kill it!" Paulina squealed. "You were so hot out there. Did you see all that money that was thrown at you?"

I showed her all the bills that were on me. "I know!" A big grin appeared on my face. I didnt expect this to go well, but I was genuinely surprised.

Ronny appeared out of no where with concern on his face. "You did really great out there and I dont want to worry you, but you're going to have to get out. Theres a cop car parked outside. Generally, I wouldn't be worried but considering the circumstances..."

"Yeah, I totally get it. I'll head out from the back."

Ronny nodded and cupped my shoulder. "Be safe, especially with all that cash." He winked at me before heading back into the lounge.

I changed into my normal clothing and crammed all the bills into my backpack. I ran down the hallway and opened the back door. The air felt a little different tonight. It felt more breezy... more freeing.

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