Chapter 42

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I opened up my textbook and note book while Xavier made the hot chocolates. Pia initially wanted to watch a movie while Xavier and I studied but she blamed us for making her feel like a bad student so she joined us.

Xavier brought out the mugs and sighed in relief. "I'm going to be honest here, I thought you were going to ditch me and leave me to fail."

I blew on the hot chocolate as I stared at him in disapproval. "Really? You must think I'm a horrible friend."

"No, not horrible. Sucky," he corrected.

I turned to Pia, the most honest person I know, and asked her how she felt about me and my whereabouts. "Am I out too often? Am I a sucky friend?"

"No," she sighed. "I'm just jealous you're getting dick."

Xavier choked on his hot chocolate and shook his head. "Enough talk. Let's get to these stats!" He cheered and clapped.

His enthusiasm dissipated within half an hour. "T-statistic and Z-statistics? What the hell is the difference? When am I ever going to need this crap?"

"Preach," Pia interjected.

"You're not even take stats," I responded.

"I am next semester so I might as well begin the suffering."

I rolled my eyes and pulled out a chart. "Most of the work will be done using this table and using the formula."

Another hour went by and Xavier started to understand the work. He didn't solve the problems too quickly, but he solved them and that's all I wanted. "Just practice some more and you'll solve the problems faster."

He slammed his book shut and rubbed his eyes. "That was some crap. Let do something fun now."

"Want to watch A Quiet Place?!" Pia asked in excitement.

"Xavier, you should probably practice more," I suggested, killing the mood.

"I will in the morning. Let's watch the movie!"

I crossed my arms and exhaled deeply. I couldnt be mad. I did my job of tutoring and spending time with him. The rest of his fate was up to him.

"Fine," I muttered and plumped onto the couch.

"So, are you going to the Halloween party on Friday?" Xavier asked Pia. He side eyed me for a second. He was trying to see how I would react. He was a jerk sometimes.

"Yes!" She yelled. "I'm so excited. Plus, I'm hoping I get lucky."

"I can introduce you to a friend," Xavier offered.

"Yes, please!"

He turned his head towards my direction and smirked. "How about you, Jesterina? Are you coming me or is this jester flying solo?"

"I'm coming," I stated matter of factly.

"Turn up!" Pia enthused as she waved her hands in the air. "Is your man coming? If he does, tell him to be shirtless..."

Xavier and I stared at her in disbelief. She had no boundaries and although I was flattered she found Elijah attractive, her approach was irksome.

"Most likely not coming but its cool! We will have a blast!"

"Finally! The trio at it again and going to dominate the party" Xavier yelled in elation.

"Guys, let's go pick up some Thai to celebrate!" Pia suggested.

"I'm in," I said, looking to Xavier. "You should study a bit while we are gone."

He quickly stood up and slipped his jacket on. "And let two girls walk in the dark? No way. I'm driving you two there."

Pia rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Typical man, thinning that two beautiful ladies cant fend for themselves. It's like 7 mins away walking."

Xavier side eyed Pia. "I'm your friend and I want to protect you guys, nothing wrong with that."

"Yeah, yeah," Pia said waving him off dismissively.

The month of October had a mixture of temperatures. Some nights would be around 60s and other nights like tonight were in the 30s. I was glad that Xavier was kind enough to want to take us to the restaurant. I was never against a helping hand. Pia, on the other hand, made it her objective to not get help from others only because she never got it from those around her as she grew up.

It was nice just spending time with my friends. I did miss being with them. As much as I loved being with Elijah, Xavier and Pia brought a certain amount of eccentricity that I enjoyed.

"I'll wait in the car," Xavier stated.

"Oh, but what if we get kidnapped within those 5 feet we have to walk? Shouldnt you walk us in?" Pia teased as she held the door open for me.

"You're a pain," Xavier mumbled.

Pia slammed the door and chuckled. On a typical day, I wouldve been slightly annoyed by the bickering but tonight, I found it entertaining.

Pia and I stood by the wall, observing the small, quiet Thai restaurant as we waited for our carry out order to be ready. The bell on the door rang, signaling someone entered the restaurant, I didnt look up but Pia gasped.

I turned to her and knitted my eyebrows. "What's wrong?"

Pia watched the tall, pale, brunette walk across us and to the hostess. "Picking up for Karina."

I understood why Pia gasped. Karina. It had to be Elijah's ex girlfriend. The possibility of there being another Karina, with the same features that Pia told me about earlier were slim to none. She was pretty, I had to admit but there was this cold, hostile energy about her that I couldn't shake off.

The hostess handed her the take out bag. Karina opened it and scoffed. "I have quite a bit of food. I'll need another fork."

"Apologies," the hostess whispered and timidly handed her another plastic fork.

Karina grabbed the fork from the hostess without a thank you. She lifted her head back up to walk but then her gaze met mine. The corner of her lip turned up and her eyes narrowed simultaneously. She recognized me and I think she wanted me to know that she knew me.

She flipped her long straight hair over her shoulder as she sauntered right past me. Pia glared at her until she left from the restaurant and all that remained was clicking of her Louboutin heels in my head.

"What a bitch. What did Elijah see in her?" Wait... speaking of Elijah doesnt he live like 5 mins away from here?"

I exhaled deeply and stared at her in disbelief. "You really know how to stir the pot."

"I'm sorry, but these men can not be trusted!"

The hostess gave us our order and Pia quickly grabbed it, and stuffed three dollars into the tip jar. "Hurry, Morena. We got a snake to catch!"

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