Chapter 35

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I didn't have any gym apparel at Elijah's apartment so we had to make a quick stop at Target to get an outfit. I had completely forgotten that Felix was going to be at the gym, so I opted for something a bit shorter and tighter to get Elijah riled up.

It ended up biting me in the ass when I stood in the middle of an empty room with Felix asking if Elijah and I planned on filming a gym porn video.

"I mean, that would be kind of hot," I quipped and slapped Elijah on the ass.

His eyes widened and his cheeks started to turn pink. "Morena," he groaned. "You're only making it worse if you play along."

"Elijah's right. I'm all for nudity and expression through sex so I could help out with filming if needed." Why did Felix look completely serious when he made that offer? I honestly did worry about him at times. There was something not right in his head.

I lifted my hands up and backed away from him. "Nope, we're good. It was just a joke."

Felix winked at me and clicked his tongue. "Sure it was..."

I clapped my hands together and looked up at Elijah. "Can we get to the inflicting slow, unbearable pain?"

Elijah chuckled when Felix looked panicked. "Soon, baby."

"What? I thought we wanted freshen up and improve our skills, not wreck eachother."

"I think you can do both," I intervened.

Felix snapped his head at me. "This is how you repay me for hooking you back up with Elijah?"

"You dragged me out of a restaurant!"

Elijah crossed his arms and stared Felix down.

"You could've left that part out," Felix whispered lowly to me. "I'm sorry..."

"Forgiven. Now Elijah, kick his ass!" I rooted as I jumped up and down. I started to get pumped up because I had seen people fight in videos, so getting to see it up close and personal would be interesting. There was no doubt that Elijah would beat Felix. He had about two inches of height and more muscle on him.

Elijah and Felix danced around each other for a few seconds until Elijah made the first move which Felix had anticipated. Felix quickly maneuvered out of Elijah's grasp. I supposed being smaller and leaner has its advantages. After a while, it seemed like they were just rough housing but with close examination, there was technique to all the moves.

Felix managed to get in between Elijah's leg and had him pinned onto the floor by his neck. I thought that he had won, but Elijah quickly wrapped his legs around Felix, managed to break in between Felix arms, and locking his arm around Felix's neck. Felix patted the floor and Elijah released.

"Ha," I laughed. "My man of steel won."

Felix cracked his neck and shook his arms. "I'll win against you. Want to try?" Felix took a step forward, but Elijah pushed him back.

"How about we teach her some moves instead? Honestly, BJJ is great for women to know considering many attacks end up on the floor. If you can maneuver out and run, you'll be safe," Elijah informed.

"Sure," I said, hesitantly.

"Elijah should teach you the moves and you can practice on me," Felix offered. "Elijah will be easy on you because he doesn't want to hurt you so its not the best practice."

I nodded my head, he did have a point. Elijah had never been rough with me, unless I asked, or showed me any aggressive side. He was a respectful man. It would've been difficult for him to step out of that role, especially when it came to me. Felix on the other hand, didn't mind being an ass.

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