Chapter 19

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"Welcome back, baby," Elijah invited as he opened the door of his apartment.

I was taken aback by the apartment once again and ended up aimlessly walking around. I looked out the massive windows and watched the city run its course. It was surreal. I felt like I was on top of the world.

"I was thinking chicken alfredo pasta with broccoli on the side. Or mixed in?" He asked.

"Definently mixed in. Let it be coated in that delicious sauce," I drooled.

Elijah looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a naughty smirk. "Covered in delicious sauce, huh?"

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around him. "Oh yes," I whispered.

He cracked a laugh and shook his head. "Honestly, these past few days have been the most I've laughed in years."

I slipped my hands under his shirt and ran them up his abdominals. "I'm glad. I want to make you happy, in any way possible." I ran my hands back down, and unbuttoned his pants. "Any way possible," I emphasized.

He groaned, a sound that came from deep within his throat. It was a sound I've never heard but was instantly turned on by it. "If you keep this up, we won't be having dinner."

I pulled on the band of his briefs. "That's fine. I'll have something else instead..."

Elijah lowered his knife onto the counter. "I'm too distracted." He turned around and pressed his back against the counter. I pulled his pants a little lower, revealing his pelvic area.

He yanked my skirt down and removed my shirt, revealing my new white lacy bra and thong. He cupped my ass, squeezing it tightly as I groped his crotch uncontrollably.

He leans over to kiss me with his soft lips. My teeth gently nipping at him and his at me, and then my tongue colliding with his in a warm, wet embrace of passion.

I disconnected so I could grab his hand and lead us into the living room. I lay myself onto the spacious black couch, waiting for him to take his way with me.

Cradling my head in his hands as he kissed me, he pushed my head against the pillow beneath me and drew away to take note that my legs had parted to allow his knee between my thighs and that his hips were now pressed achingly against my pelvis.

His hands slid from my face to my shoulders, then along the lengths of my arms until he gripped my wrists above my head and buried his mouth in the curve of my neck, kissing, now gently biting and leaving moist rings to glisten in the dim light.

Releasing my wrists, he reached from behind to unhook my bra. He encircled my breasts with his hands and alternately kissed my nipples, drawing them into his mouth, softly flicking them with his tongue and gently sucking as I bit my lip and cried out softly, rubbing my legs against both of his.

I placed my hands on his head, fingernails gently latching onto his scalp, and as I involuntarily pushed his face downward, he complied, delivering kisses along the way to my lower rib cage, my stomach, the soft parts of my thighs, and at last, the narrow silky patch of cloth moistly covering the place he so desired.

I felt his fingers searching for a grip on the sides of my panties, and then, finally raising his head and gazing the length of me once more to stare into my desiring eyes, he gently pulled, down down, every moment passing like an eternity as he revealed the source of my pleasure and his, ready to plunge himself mind, body and soul into me.

Loud, intruding knocks echoed throughout the apartment causing Elijah to lift himself off me. Cold air filled between us and I closed my legs to feel warmth again.

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