Chapter 39

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"I'll pick you up later tonight," Elijah stated as he caressed my cheek.

"Okay," I hummed. "I'll miss you."

He leaned over and tenderly kissed me. "I'll miss you too. I'll call you after lunch."

I got out of his car and closed the door. I blew him a kiss and fast-walked to my stats class. Before I entered the building, I had looked back and he was still parked by the sidewalk, attentively watching me. I lifted my hand up to say goodbye and he flashed me a perfect smile in response.

I walked down the hallway with a goofy grin on my face. I had been pretty happy the past few days with Elijah and wanted to soak it all in before something unfortunate happened. I knew that him seeing his ex would cause some sort of issue and mostly from her doing.

Before I opened the classroom door, a hand landed on my shoulder. I quickly reacted by defending myself. I swung my arm, dropped my body weight and broke his grasp.

"What are you a Ninja Turtle?!" Xavier exclaimed.

I cupped my mouth and hid a giggle. "I'm so sorry!"

"That was 85% awesome and 15% horrifying."

I gave him a hug to apologize. "I would say 100% awesome."

He opened the door for me. "How'd you learn that?"

"Elijah and Felix taught me some self defense moves over the weekend. It was pretty fun."

"Oh nice," he mused. "You should be a kick ass ninja warrior instead of a jesterina for the Halloween party this Friday. You're still coming, right?"

I looked at him with uncertainty.

"Mo, you better not flake on me. We are wearing matching costumes. I'll look so lame if I'm by myself."

"No, you won't. You'll just look like a Jester."

"Seriously?" He said in irritation. "Can't you spare one night for your friends? You can bring Elijah if you want but I'm not sure how well he would fit in with us cool college student."

I glared at him and shook my head. "Nobody says they're cool college students."

"I do," he whispered before the professor began to lecture.

The lecture was long and boring as usual. I had spent most of the class time day dreaming about Elijah and all the fun we had last night. I was glad that Elijah and I were becoming comfortable enough with each other to express our sexual fantasies. I never had the chance to express myself sexually because my past partners never cared about me and Elijah just never engaged in anything too sexual. We were the on the same page on everything and it felt so right.

"Its lectures like these that make me think if college is even worth it," Xavier said and closed his notebook.

I packed up my belongings and tossed my backpack over my shoulder. "Yes, it is worth it. Work hard to play hard."

"Easy to say when you've gotten A's on all your past exams and quizzes."

"I can help you study," I offered.

"Mo, like I said before, you havent spared many nights with your friends."

"I spent Thursday and Friday with you and Pia," I corrected.

"That's because you weren't talking to Elijah. Keep us in the loop while you are talking to Elijah. Look, I'm not mad at you and I don't want us to fight. I just want to see you more." He placed his hand on my shoulder and rubbed it.

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