Chapter 22

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"Elijah! AH!" I screamed due to shock, rather than pain.

Elijah had disarmed me by hitting my inner forearm hard, causing me to release the pink pepper spray. Pia had been half-asleep and didn't realize that it was Elijah. She swung her bat and it would've smacked right in the face had he not moved in, grasped her shoulder and arm, then lightly pushed her away.

He disarmed her, and held the bat in his hands as he stared at us in confusion. "What is going on here?"

Pia crossed her arms. "I'll be asking the questions here! Why would you knock on our door in the middle of night knowing two weak ass girls lived in here?"

He pointed to the peep hole with the bat. "You do know that by looking in that you could've avoided all of this?"

Pia shrugged. "I forgot. I was in fight mode."

Elijah handed the bat back to Pia and walked over to me. "Are you okay, Morena? I'm sorry for hurting you." He gently held my arm, examining it to see if there any serious injuries. "Pia, can you get some ice?"

"No, I'm fine really," I said and then hissed when he touched a sensitive spot. "Okay, that hurts," I mumbled.

Pia handed him a bag of frozen peas. He wrapped it around my inner forearm and shook his head in disappointment. "I'm really sorry."

"Elijah, it's okay. You were just protecting yourself."

"I know, but I should've been more logical rather than think with instincts."

"How'd you even learn how to do all that?"

"Years of martial arts."

"That was kind of hot, not going to lie," Pia commented.

I snapped my head towards her direction and glared at her. She threw her arms up in defense and walked away slowly.

"At least you're here," I said, looking up at him with admiring eyes. "I missed you."

He placed a kiss on my forehead and sighed. "I missed you too. I was worried about you, Morena. You never texted me that you were home."

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I forgot! I literally undressed and plopped onto my bed."

"It's okay, I know you're safe now. Somewhat." He looked at arm again and closed his eyes.

"Elijah, I'm okay, see!" I lifted my arm up and screeched in pain. "Shit!"

"Don't move it," he informed.

I cupped his face with my free hand and leaned over to kiss him. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his, breathing lightly. "Thank you," I whispered.

"For hurting you?" He asked, in a low tone.

"For taking care of me."

"Of course, baby."

"You should stay with me," I suggested. "It's late and we could both use the sleep. I'll sleep better with you."

"Are we actually going to sleep or will you be distracting me?" He wanted to sound serious, but I could hear a playful hint in his voice.

"Both," I said with a huge smile. I leaned over again, tracing his neck with soft kisses.

Elijah groaned softly. "Okay, I'll stay the night."

I lifted my arms up to cheer, but I whined in pain and lowered my injured arm back into my chest. "Not going to do that again."

I closed the bedroom door behind me and carefully undressed myself. Elijah slipped off his shirt and his fitted grey sweatpants.

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