Chapter 14

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The sun rays peeked through my blinds and pranced around my face. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times to adjust them to bright light. I stretched my arms out and listened to the singing of the birds. I grabbed a pillow that was next to me and held it tightly. I was too comfortable to get out of bed.

I pulled away from my pillow and stared at it. How did I get into my bed? What happened last night? I examined my surroundings and nothing seemed unusual, only that the clothes I wore last night were on the floor. I peeked under my covers and found myself shirtless, but I still had my underwear on.

I heard the front door open and two laughs, one was distinct which I knew came from Pia. The other laugh sounded lower and unsure of who it could be. It couldn't be Abel since Pia ended things with him. Or maybe they got back together?

I jumped out of bed and slipped on my mini satin night slip on. I opened the bedroom door and walked down the hallway, the voices became more audible.

I found Pia sitting on the table, with Elijah seated across from her.

"Hey, sleepy head!" Pia chirped. "Guess who I met?" She raised her eyebrows up and gave me a thumbs up while Elijah faced me.

Elijah looked me up and down, his eyes concentrated on my breast area for a few seconds longer and then our eyes met. I looked down, only to find my nipples hardening.

"Goodmorning, beautiful," he complimented. He extended his hand and I slowly walked to it, grabbing it with caution. Elijah pulled me into to his side and wrapped his arm around my waist. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty deeply," I admitted.

"I'm sure you did! Girl, you looked dead when he brought you here. I actually had to check your pulse, you know, to make he didn't murder you and then brought you home like nothing happened."

I nervously laughed. "Yeah, I'm alive."

She took a bit out of the croissant. "And then I was like, did she get bitten by a vampire then? Cause you looked drained."

The hairs on my back stood up when I felt Elijah's hand fiddling with the hem of my dress. His hands danced up my thigh and then around my private. One finger caressed my sweet spot and I nearly lost it right there.

"Work must have drained her," Elijah said, still caressing me.

"I'm sure," Pia commented. "Dancing is no joke."

"Definitely tiring," I sighed.

Our eyes all darted to Pia's vibrating phone.

"Oh, it's daddy," she said. "I'm gonna take this." She grabbed the phone and ran into her room.

Once the door was shut, Elijah lightly nibbled my nipple over the fabric of the dress. I threw my head back and bit down on my lip. "Elijah," I moaned. "She might come out any second."

"It'll be okay," he assured, as he moved over to the next nipple.

"Oh fuck," I whispered. "Elijah..."

"Have I told you that I enjoy hearing you say my name?"

"Do you mean moaning your name?" I corrected.

"That adds an extra kick," he joked and pulled me into his lap. "How are you feeling?

I wrapped my arm around his neck and exhaled. "Drained."

"You were pretty exhausted after last night."

My cheeks became hot and I bashfully looked down as glimpses of last night popped into my head. I had never been eaten out before, let alone in public.

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