Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning and remembered that I had a bag full of money. I figured I passed out right when I got home, my body must've been exhausted from my adrenaline rush.

I opened my backpack and looked at all the bills with disbelief. I couldn't believe I actually stripped. It was illegal, naughty, frightening and sexy all at the same time.

I held a stack of cash in my hands. I was holding one thousand twenty dollars. All of this in less than an hour, this was insane. I had covered a tenth of my tuition. There were about two weeks left until classes started, and in a few days I would be 18. If Ronny allowed me to be a stripper than I could possibly make my whole tuition in those two weeks and more.

I squealed in excitement and grabbed a rubber band to tie the money together. "Bank here I come!"

The next few days at work weren't too eventful. It was the same routine of washing dishes, wiping down vanities, and cleaning strip poles. I did get some butterflies in my stomach when Ronny told me that a man asked for me. The man specifically asked, "what days does that curly and short haired girl dance?"

I wanted to ask if it was the bearded man, but there were a few men with beards that night ranging from stubble to long and bushy.

"Do you remember what he looked like?" I asked.

He thought for a second. "Light brown hair gelled to the side, medium sized beard, light blue eyes."

It wasnt the man that I danced on. My bearded man had a short, trimmed beard, untamed chocolate brown hair and dark blues eyes. I dont know why I chose him out of all men. He was intriguing and didnt seem like most men.

"Its almost midnight," Paulina and Chanel hollered with excitement as they barged into the kitchen.

I shrugged my shoulders. "And?"

They looked at each other with bewilderment. "Your birthday!"

I wasnt one to celebrate my birthday, hell, I didnt even remember my birthday most of the time. My mom and Hal wouldnt do much to celebrate. My mom would make a small breakfast and kiss my forehead. That's all I really going for my birthdays.

"I totally forgot, to be honest," I admitted.

"How? It's the big 1-8!" Chanel screeched. "Legal!"

I chuckled. "I guess."

Paulina started waving her hands frantically. "One more minute!"

Ronny, Chanel and Paulina counted down from 10. "Happy birthday!" They circled around me and gave me a big, warm hug. I never had anyone making a big deal out of my birthday. It felt nice to be remembered.

"Thanks guys!"

Chanel and Paulina looked at each other, there was a devilish twinkle in their eyes. "We got you a present."

"Oh! You guys didnt have to!"

"We wanted to! Follow us."

They led me into the girls room and noticed a white box with a big red bow on it. They handed it to me and I gently opened it.

"Oh my God," I whispered as I pulled out the holographic bodysuit. It was a shiny off the shoulder body suit that had a cut out on the stomach.

"Theres more!"

I looked inside the box again and found glittering fishnets that matched the bodysuit. The tights had sparkling rhinestones embellished in them.

"We want you to dance tonight! You're finally legal, and we know you enjoyed it. You blossomed out there. A different side of you came out on stage," Paulina said in a genuine tone.

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