Chapter 1

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Three more weeks for university to start and two more weeks until my 18th birthday. I've definitely been through many hardships in my life and wasnt too much of a positive person, but I felt like this was going to be my month.

There was a knock on my door and then it slightly opened. My mom peered her head through the crack and gave me a sheepish smile.

"Hi, darling," she greeted in a somber tone.

"Hey, mom. How was the game?"

My mom breathed heavily and walked in, closing the door behind her. "We need to talk."

"Okay," I said, closing my dingy laptop.

She sat on the edge of my bed and reached for my hand. I grabbed it and stared at her with worry. "What's going on?"

"The game didn't go as planned."

"Okay, so what does that mean?" I was becoming impatient and annoyed.

"It means that we wont be able to afford your tuition. I'm so sorry."

I let go of her hand and jumped out of my bed. "What do you mean you can't afford my tuition? You've been saving all the child support checks my dad sent, right?"

"Well, yes, but Hal found out how much was actually in your savings account and used it to bet on the game. He thought he was going to win! He thought he was going to be able to double it but ended up losing all out," she explained as her voice dimmed out towards the end.

I ran my finger through my hair and internally screamed. "Why would you let him touch my money?!"

My mom looked down and shook her head. "You know how he is --"

"Yeah, he's an abuser and I'm sick of it!" I stormed out of my room and ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Hal!" I yelled.

He didn't lift his gaze off the newspaper and took a sip of his beer. "I dont know who you think you're talking to in that tone."

"Morena," my mom called. "Please, don't do this," she whispered.

I snatched the bottle of his hand and threw it across the kitchen. "Why'd you touch my money? It's wasn't yours!" I yelled.

Hal jumped out of his seat, wrapped his rough hand around my throat and pushed me up against the wall. "I can touch whatever the fuck I want, little girl. I don't need your permission to do shit." His grasped became tighter and I was losing oxygen.

"Hal!" I can hear my mom yell. "Let her go!" All she did was scream, she didn't physically stop him.

"I was being nice to your little cunt daughter and have her live with us until she's done with college but fuck that. This bitch is leaving tonight!" He flung me onto the floor like I was a rag doll. I became panicked as I gasped for air.

"You don't mean that, Hal," my mom said.

"Fuck yes, I do. Leave, you piece of shit!" He tried to kick me but I scooted back. With all the energy I had left, I ran to my room and packed whatever I could into my backpack.

My laptop, a book, two old shirts, jeans, and a few underwear. That's all I really had to my name from this point forward.

My mom rushed upstairs and handed me a hundred dollar bill. "This is all that was left, just take it and go. I love you, and I'm so sorry." She gave me a quick hug and rushed me down the stairs and out the door.

Tears rolled down her face and she watched her only child walk away. I never understood parents who put their partners over their own flesh and blood. She could've left with me but decided to stay with the devil.

There weren't many places for me to go. I didn't have friends or family nearby. My dad was in France and pretty much useless, other than sending the child support check.

Washington D.C was huge yet I couldn't think of one place that provided any amount of comfort. I headed to the nearest Starbucks to look up overnight rooms for cheap and to indulge in a hot chocolate.

I ordered my drink and pulled my laptop out. I knew hotels would cost an arm and a leg so I looked on airbnb. I found a garage that was advertised as a guesthouse for $25/night. Not too bad, two nights of comfort would be nice. The other nights, I have no idea where I would go or what I will do.

I had a lot on my mind. I had to wrap my head around the idea that I wouldn't be going to college. Most of my tuition was already covered by student aid and scholarships since I was in the top of my high school. I had to make up about $10,000 in 3 weeks. That was impossible and being 17, I couldn't jump into an intense solution such as egg donation.

I couldn't believe that I was in this situation. I expected this to happen when I was a bit older but not 17. I hated having a shit dad, an abusive step dad and a coward mother. They were all worthless.

I threw my cup away once I saw a barista sweeping the floor, it was closing time. I made my way to the airbnb, the owner was going to wait for me at the place to hand me over the key.

I entered the guesthouse and immediately threw myself on the bed. This place was better than my old house and I'm glad that I could call it mine for the next two nights, but I really had to get my shit together, and fast.

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