Leaving and having fun

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"Well I guess this is goodbye"I say. "Y-yep"Pomni said. "So you promise that you won't do that again and if you're are thinking about those.Tell me please Pom-Pom" "Oh o-ok an-and I pr-promise Ragatha"
"Thank you Pom-Pom"I say and walk to the door. "Well see you tomorrow Pom-Pom"I say while waving bye to Pomni. "Y-yea see you t-tomorrow Ragatha."  I smile and walk out the door.I walk a little to get to my room.I turn the knob and "it's open?"I thought.I just ignored it and go to my bed.
"Ugh today was a very tiring day"I say while I flop on my bed that is when I feel something crawling on me. It's a CENTIPEDE "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "JAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" "Hehehehehe"I hear


"Sooo I'm stuck here huh"I thought. "What if I play along with everyone but still try to find the exit?"I thought. "That's actually a good idea but first I'm kinda bored"I thought.I looked up to see a picture of me juggling while on a unicycle I look scared but also happy like I'm actually having fun in here. "That's probably impossible that I'm actually having fun"I thought "Then again aren't I a jester wait do jesters also juggle?"I thought.I looked around to see a ball to juggle with and to see if I can find a unicycle as well.Then I find a ball and another one.I noticed these were the same juggling balls Ragatha tripped on and we had a accident. "The way she moaned though"I thought.I quickly shook those thoughts away. "Oh come on Pomni you can't have a crush on someone you kinda just met"I thought and go back to finding a unicycle. "Aha f-found it"I said while I picked up the unicycle. "Ok soooo h-how do I start"I said. "But wait how do you ride a unicycle"I say again. "Maybe it's just like a bike"I thought.I get on and pedal.I expected for me to fall already but I didn't. "I'm ac-actually d-doing it" I said with a bit excitement. I go around the room on unicycle.I laugh "This is k-kinda fun"I said happily.I stopped. "I wonder if I could do that while juggling well there's only one way to find out"I thought.I grab three balls and go back to the unicycle. "H-here I go"I said.
I'm on the unicycle again and I throw a ball in the air then one more I catch the one I threw before and throw the another ball. "IM ACTUALLY JUGGLING"I said very very excited.That is when the unicycle bump into something and made me fly "Oh sh*t"I thought.I close my eyes expecting for me to hit some thing hard but instead I landed on my bed. "That......was....AMAZING."I say laughing so much that my stomach started to hurts. "Ow"I say still giggling. "But now I'm tired"I thought while snuggling in my bed. "Mmm but I'm missing something"That's when it hit me.I was thinking about cuddling into Ragatha chest.I blush. "Nahhhh she's just a friend"(great I need to change Pomni's name into Adrien) I say.
"Maybe I can sleep without Ragatha"I thought and actually went to sleep,just not as good,like with Ragatha.

Ima a bit tired guys for some reason so Ima take a tiny break ok? And sorry that this was a bit rushed 😓 also Pomni has some quick mood swings very much :P

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