The adventure or not

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I'm asleep in bed comfortably now since I got that centipede out and beat the crap out of Jax again but this time was weird like I wanted to cuddle with someone to sleep like "Pomni"I thought.I think about how comfortable she was in my arms.I shook these thoughts away "Oh come on Ragatha you can't have a crush on the new girl"I thought again.I get out of bed even though I didn't want too.I stand up and stretch to get ready for the day.When I was done stretching I walked to the door and I open the door. "Another day another adventure"I thought.I walk to get ready for the intro song thing.That's when I stopped. "Is Pomni still in her room"I thought.I look back to see Pomni's door. "Mmm maybe I should check"I say.I walk to Pomni's door. "Welp let's see if her door is unlocked or not"I thought while I grab the knob and turn.And surprised the door was unlocked. "Pom-Pom"I whispered.I look around to find Pomni and I see her.She's just sleeping on her bed. "Cute"I thought. "Jeez Ragatha stop thinking about Pomni's cuteness for once"I argued a little with myself but stop when I see Pomni waking up.I sit on her bed to greet her. "Mmmmm" "Heh good morning sunshine"I say while shaking her a little. "Where (yawn) am I"she questioned. "Still in the circus sweetheart"I said. "Oh..wait why are you in my room"She questioned again. "Why are you not stuttering"I questioned back giggling. "O-oh shut u-up"she said giggling as well. "Oh I'm offended"I said while I close my eye and gasp dramatically and fall on her bed.I open my eye to hear laughing now. "Come on princess of dr-dramatic why d-did you come into m-my room?"She says laughing. I sit up and say."To wake you up princess of stuttering."I said while bow to her. "And for you to get ready for the adventure" That's when Pomni's laughs stop. Then silence. "Do.....I....have....too"  Pomni said a little sadness. "Yes dear Caine usually wants all of us for the adventure even the new people."I said.

"Ughhhhh I don't want to....."I say almost sleeping again. "Come on Pom-Pom or else we're going to be late"Ragatha says a little annoyed. So I did something to make her embarrassed. "But I wanna sleep....."I say while hugging her. "Gah P-Pomni we need to get g-going"Ragatha said a little flustered. "Where did I get all this confidence"I thought. "It feels like I'm not controlling my body"I thought again.I keep hugging Ragatha but then I decided to kick it up a notch.I snuggle deep into Ragatha's chest. "P-POMNI?!?!"I hear then 'defeat' "Fine Pomni you win but we are going after 10 minutes ok"
Ragatha says.I smile a little still cuddling in Ragatha's chest. "Soooo will you stop snuggling in my chest now"Ragatha says with a smirk. "O-oh sorry." "I'm kidding I'm kidding your fine where you are Pom-Pom"She says.I noticed some things about Ragatha's body a little.Her chest still goes up and down like if we still had lungs which we don't maybe I don't know because I feel like we don't have organs and "She has a heartbeat? But that's not possible we probably don't have organs"I thought. "We don't h-have organs r-right"I questioned. Ragatha looks at me puzzled but went with it. "No we don't but we can feel a little pain not like agonizing pain but a small pain like a paper cut or so"Ragatha explained. "So how come you have a heartbeat"I question again. "It's probably because I have a like stitch up heart"Ragatha explained again. "Wait how did you know in the first place since we can't take off our clothes."I asked again. "Well I kinda lied"Ragatha laugh nervously but kept going. "We can take off some small things like your jester hat"She said while sliding her hand up my jester hat. "Wait what if I'm bald"I thought and got scared. But to late she taking it off already. "Your hair is so soft"Ragatha said while admiring the softness. "And it smells like coconut as well" "Ok that w-was kinda of a w-weird complement"I said. "Heh sorry" "ready to go to sleep Pom-Pom?" "Yea rag dolly"I say. She smiles at the name and closes her eye while I close my eyes.



F*ck u Caine always ruin everything.....

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