Getting ready

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"GAHHHHH HOW D-DID YOU GET I-INTO MY ROOM CAINE"I say getting up from Ragatha's chest."Pomni he's basically a god in this world"Ragatha says chuckling. "THAT'S RRRRRRIGHT MY FELLOW RAGDOLL!"Caine says very enthusiastic. "G*shdamn he's so loud."I thought."ANYWAY WE GOT TO GET RUNNING ALONG NOW MY FELLOW FRIENDS IT'S LATE AND THE SONG IS ABOUT TOOOOOOO START."Caine said.Then he teleports away. "I don't want to do the adventure"I say. "I know Pomni but we have to."Ragatha say while trying to get out of bed. "Umm do you think you can get off me now please?"She says. "Oh um y-yea sorry"I say while getting off of Ragatha and out the bed as well. "Thank you Pom-Pom"she says. "Heh your w-welcome rag dolly"I say. She smiles and gets out of bed. "Well ready for the adventure?" "Y-yea I hope it h-has to do w-with juggling"I say with a little hope. "And why's that?"Ragatha questions. "Yesterday I n-noticed Im p-pretty good a-at juggling"I say."But f-first where's m-my hat?"I question. "Oh ummm it's still on the bed I think" "Oh I s-see it"I say. "Hah got it" I say smiling. "So um ready Pomni"Ragatha says holding out her hand. "Ready,Ragatha"I say while taking her hand into mine but she instantly lets go and now I'm puzzled. "WHOEVER GETS THERE LAST IS A ROTTEN EGG"Ragatha said while running out of the door. "H-HEY NO FAIR Y-YOU GOT A H-HEAD START AND I H-HAVE SHORT LEGS!!!"I shouted but also giggling.I start running to catch up with a giggling Ragatha.

—4 minutes later—

"Sooo......H-How...Haha...Did.....*snickers* the f-floor taste R-Ragatha"Pomni says unable to contain her laughter. "Gr be quiet Pomni"I say a little angry that I lost the race.I'm also wiping the dust off my dress. "Man and y-you even g-got a head start"Pomni says laughing now. "Oh I was being nice" I say as a excuse. "Sureeeeee"Pomni says.
"Well I guess the Newbie didn't get abstracted" "Great it's the a-hole again"I thought. "Jax that isn't really nice"I say angrily but knowing that it's hopeless. "Whatever you say Doll face"He says while walking away. "Gosh that rabbit is always getting on my nerves sometimes" "yea I c-can see why" "Oh hiyah Ragatha" I turn around to see who is talking to me. "Oh hi Gangle" I say softly. (P.s I like Gangle) "Do you think today's adventure is going to be great?"She says quietly. "Mmm maybe who knows" "And umm do you think you can fix m-my comedy mask again please"Gangle says while giving me the pieces. "Oh sure honey"I said. "Thank you Ragatha."
She says while walking away. "She l-looks adorable h-how can Jax b-bully her?"I hear from Pomni. "I don't know" I say while I put the broken pieces in my pockets. "Soooo what n-now" "That's the thing,I don't know Caine said the song was about to start and AHHHHHHHHH" "W-W-WHAT?!?"Pomni says terrified I see because of her scribbled eyes. "Oh for the love of - sorry Pomni I thought that was a insect mostly a centipede." I shivered at the thought of centipedes. "Did someone say something about a insect collection."Someone said but I know who that is now. "Oh hi Kinger" I say but then silence.Kinger looks at me for a sec and then Pomni. "GAHHHH" He says.I don't get scared anymore because I been here for awhile with him but Pomni does. "Oh Pomni you scared me" "REALLY YOU MOTHERF*" Pomni tries to say but I cut her off with my hand. "Hey Hoo-ha we need you here"Jax says I know because of the nickname. "Yea we do need you idiot for a sec"Anddd that's Zooble. "Oh well it was nice meeting Pomni"He says walking. "Sooo what n-now?"Pomni questions. "Ummm I don't kn"I get cut off by a loud voice.


"Nooooooo"I hear Pomni say.


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