A jester's day

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Pomni's Pov.
I wake up feeling a bit tired. I sit up and look around to see where I'm at. "I remember now I'm at Ragatha's room." I think.I yawn,wanting to go to sleep again but can't. I just lay back down again earning a soft groan from something. I look what it was and I see Ragatha. I smile. "Ragatha is so beautiful when she's sleeping. The way her chest goes up and down. The quiet snore. The way she also cuddles into a blanket or so. She's so cute.....AND AHHHHHHHHH POMNI STOP BEING A WEIRDO!" I slap myself. But I regret it because that makes Ragatha wake up. "Mmmmmm Pomni?" Ragatha says while yawning. "O-oh h-hi Rag Dolly." I say with a bit of guilt for waking her up. "How did you sleep?" She asks while yawning still. "G-good,how about y-you?" I question back. "Good,I guess *yawn* I'm gonna go back to sleep just for a bit,okay? Since,I'm still tired from the adventure,and you kinda woke me up." Ragatha says while giggling a bit. "Yea s-sorry for waking y-you up." I say. "Hey it's okay really." Ragatha says. "I ummm g-gonna walk for a b-bit, okay?" I say. "Okay." Ragatha says while twisting her body to the other side. "Heh cute." I think. I shake my head harsh."Gosh stop being a weirdo Pomni!" I think again. I get up for the bed and go to Ragatha's door. I turn my head back to see Ragatha already asleep. I smile and turn my head back and go out the door.

I look around for awhile to see how the tent really looks like. I go out of the hallway and head for the dining place but I see Kaufmo's coffin thing first. I frown a bit..I may have not known him but for the gang.....it really does hurt you to see someone breaking down. I think about Gummigoo.... He may had been a NPC but it still hurts. I put my hand into my pocket and take out a picture of Gummigoo. It's not the best since I drew him before the stitching. Anyway,I put the picture next to Kaufmo's picture. "This is painful.." I say. I start to cry. I wipe the tears away. "Don't be a f*cking crybaby Pomni..." I say while walking away. I walk for awhile that's when I see a sandwich... "Mm not hungry." But when I said that my stomach grumbled. "Oh ummmm." I say a bit embarrassed. I sigh and say. "Oh alright." I say while walking towards the sandwich. I grab it and open my mouth that's when I get teleport. "Wait huh?!" I say confused. I look at my hands. There's nothing?!?!?!?!

"The knives........." I think. Oh gosh how I feel so nauseous. "WELL THAT DIDNT GO AS PLANNED!" Caine says while chuckling a bit. I say nothing. The knives are deep into my rubber-ish skin. I'm panicking. "WELL I NEED TO DRINK WATER AGAIN SOOOO BYE POMNI!!!" Caine says. "WAIT WHAT ABOUT TH-" I shout but I was to late. "D*amnit he got away....." I say still shaking. I look at the knives. I shudder. This feels so wrong. "Well what to do now Pomni?" I question myself. "Ragatha..she'll know what to do." I think while running towards her room.

{Two minutes later}

"Ughhh why d-did I walk so far?" I question myself,out of breath. Anyway,I finally make it to Ragatha's door. I go in immediately wanting to get these knives out of me. I look around to see where's Ragatha but I see her nowhere. "Now where can she be?" I think but then I see her walking out of a door. "Oh hey Pomni..AHHHHH WHAT HAPPENED?!?" Ragatha says her face full of concern. "O-oh you k-know one of C-Caine's p-performances." I say uncomfortable. Then hands go on my head. "Pomni how do you expect to heal if you keep injuring yourself all the time now!" Ragatha screams. I put my hands on the sides of my head. Like I said before im not a big fan of loud sounds. Ragatha gasps. "Oh I'm sorry Pomni. I didn't mean to make you feel more uncomfortable." She says a bit sadly. "Y-your fine R-Ragatha." I say still covering my welllll um I guess my imaginary ears. "But I mean what I said." Ragatha says. "But anyway what happened?" She says concerned. "L-like I s-said one o-of Caine's p-performances." I say while giggling a bit. "Gosh sometimes I think he goes way to far." Ragatha says giggling as well. "Well I should get those knives out. They're probably making you feel very very uncomfortable." Ragatha says. "O-ok." I say a bit worried. "So when I count down from three ima pull this knife that I'm grabbing,ok?" Ragatha says quietly. "O-ok..." I say scared now. "In three..." "Ah sh*t this is gonna hurt isn't." "Two" "Sh*t" "ONE!"

There's gonna be a part two don't worry y'all. Plus it's summer break but then again I waste(not a bad waste a good waste) a lot a time with my family so yea. Gn or Ga or Gm or Ge BYE!

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