East Berlin, 1999, Invasion day

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News Anchor: Tensions rise among the Greater Soviet Alliance and the Western Coalition after the illegal annexation of Afghanistan and North Korea. The UN has proposed a state of emergency as legal travel is now being restricted and placed under the control of UN Peacekeeping troops in the area. In other news, reports of massive fleets surrounding both China and North Korea have been growing concerns as the Soviet government has defended it as a "military campaign training mission to defend itself against the evils of the West" the president has called for severe sanctions at the UN meeting in order to discuss the terms of....

Soviet Soldier: Those darn Westerners. They come up with every lie out of mouth.

Soviet Soldier 2: Da. I hope invasion order come quick. Can't wait to bring it to those capitalist traitors!

German Soviet Soldier: Ja.

Soviet Captain: Attention comrades!!!

Soviet Soldiers: Comrade Captain!

(Soviet soldiers stand up and salute their commander)

Soviet Captain: At ease, comrades! Soviet politburo has announced the offensive to go on the attack and destroy the capitalists. Fortunately, they do not suspect of our intentions so they be caught off guard for while. We have sent teams of Spetsnaz and Warsaw Pact Spec Ops to sabotage the defenses and communications as well as sending in infiltrators to the American military outposts in Hawaii! In no time at all comrades, you will be a part of the biggest military campaign ever in our history of the Greater Soviet Alliance! Our overseas comrades require our assistance so we must do everything in our power to knock the capitalists off of curb! Am I understood?!

Soviet Soldiers: Sir Yes Sir!!!

Soviet Captain: Then get your gear and be ready at 0500 hrs! We head towards Berlin Wall! Uraaaaaaah

Soviet Soldiers: Uraaaaah Urahhhh Urahhhh!!!

(Meanwhile on the North/South Korea border)

Soviet Commander: Be ready comrades! Once order come through! We push into the Capitalist held puppet state of South Korea!

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Soviet Commander: Be ready comrades! Once order come through! We push into the Capitalist held puppet state of South Korea!

Soviet soldiers and North Korean soldiers: Uuuuuuraaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

North Korean Soldier: Finally! South Korea will no longer have to fear the oppression they suffered from the dreaded Americans!

North Korean Soldier 2: And we can take our revenge on the cowardly Japanese for occupying our beloved Korea!

North Korean Soldier 3: Yeah!

Chinese Commander: General Blastovi, The troops are ready for the offensive! When will the order be placed?

General Blastovi: Soon, Comrade Yang! Hopefully once the infiltrators and the rest of our forces all over the world know what they are doing!

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