Battle of Moscow

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With the Western Coalition now having their counterattack and gaining ground, the GSA was now in a bit of a pickle!

North Korea was now under Western Coalition control.

China was losing in the Battle of Beijing

Africa was liberated from GSA occupation

And the European front wasn't looking too well.

In some parts of Russia, people began to side with the Western Coalition and began to revolt which made the situation even worse.

By that point, the GSA was facing desertions and supply problems.

Their spirit however was not broken.

What remained of the armed forces were later ordered to make a desperate withdrawal to the capital where they would regather their strength and resources.

By this point, it couldn't be helped.

In a period of 4 months, at least 20 GSA units were ordered to defend the capital from a rising Western Coalition force that was coming from all sides.

And just like the Battle of Berlin during the Second World War, it was very brutal.

Civilians were conscripted to join the reserve and militias which they didn't have a choice and due to supply problems, the GSA couldn't provide weapons to all their forces so they had to make do with what they had.

Training for them only lasted for half a month and soon it was up to the siege of Moscow that would prove if they were able to defend it from the West.

Fighter planes from all sides began bombing key areas around the city and soon the siege began when hundreds of Western Coalition soldiers and tanks rumbled onto the streets.

The defenders of Moscow put up a staggering resistance but were no match for the advanced weapons and tactics of the Western Coalition who had been increasing their military even before the war began.

Soldiers from all over the world came together to finally defeat the soviet revolution that had plagued the world and soon in a matter of months would it finally end.

During the battle, the politburo which was the leading center of the GSA and the previous Soviet Union before that point knew the war was lost but the highest ranking thought naively that the war would end soon or later on their side which was a dumb idea.

The GSA faced some serious setbacks even with mutinying soldiers and lots of desertions. Soviet officers even had to side with their own men most of the time and they didn't even want to attack the enemy. Some even surrendered.

Then in a surprise move that caught everyone's attention, a few Pro-West GSA commanders along with a resistance movement managed to plan a successful coup with the help of the former ousted leader, Mikhail Gorbachev, and put the GSA leadership in charge of the war under arrest or even executed some of them.

Later the remaining GSA forces were ordered to stand down and two weeks later, a peace agreement was signed which signaled the end of World WAR 3.

Scattered fighting continued throughout the former GSA territory but the last remaining pockets of enemy forces were forced to surrender with the help of the Western Coalition and the Ukraine army corps which was established after the war had ended to provide security and help rebuild.

The GSA was officially disbanded and Siberia became a new separate country. Those charged with war crimes were sentenced by the international courts while the GSA soldiers were given aid and assistance from their former enemy.

To help rebuild the government and economic development, a series of treaties and regulations were put into place that prevented the outbreak of another war and also boosted the peace process. Mikhail Gorbachev was made acting president of Russia until free elections could be held.

Capitalism took to the streets and soon everyone enjoyed western pop culture.

After 7-9 decades of long standing tensions and a brutal war, the Cold War had finally came to an end.

And the flag of freedom soared throughout the world.

Authors Note: This story was meant to be a bit longer and I took so long to update it because I didn't have the energy or the mentality of finishing it properly but soon enough I will revise and make a remastered version of the story while also making a more modern version of the story, this time involves the current wars like Ukraine, Israel, and Etc.

But hopefully you enjoyed.

And don't worry, the remastered version of this story will be coming soon!

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