Counter Offensive

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After the unsuccessful attack on America, Soviet forces began to pull out but maintained some territory within. However, the Western Coalition was making some improvements.

With most of the army reorganized, Western Coalition forces began to liberate the occupied territories of America but Soviet troops put up a strong resistance.

As America began to liberate itself, Europe was making a few gains. While The southern portion of France was under Soviet occupation, there were a few resistance fighters that fought against the Soviet forces and in Germany, a brave resistance movement led by remnants of the German army corps led out daring guerrilla warfare against the Soviet supply convoys. In Turkey, there was a growing opposition between the president who supported the GSA and the public.

All over the world, people were opposing the GSA in any way they could and soon, they were not alone. In time, the GSA made desperate attempts and efforts to manipulate their control but all it ever did was fuel the flames of rebellion.

GSA forces were getting outnumbered every step of the way and soon it seemed like the Western Coalition could pull it off. In time, major battles took place and most of them became key Western Coalition victories. As weapons plants churned out millions, thousands of miles of land was being liberated by the West.

In South America, brave junta fighters supported by the Western Forces were able to mount successful rebellions and plan tactical strikes against the GSA in Cuba and all other countries in the region. Jamaica was later turned into the main HQ for the Western Coalition which helped them plan attacks and set up training camps for new recruits willing to take the fight. Mexico was liberated by GSA a month later and soon places such as Venezuela and Peru were captured by Western Coalition forces within a period of 2 months.

Africa and the Middle East held off for a good chunk during the remainder of the war and with more support from the scattered Western Coalition fleets and forces stationed within, many Pro-GSA African countries were overwhelmed. The GSA in the region eventually pulled out and this became a major turning point.

In the pacific, Australian and Other Western Coalition forces began making a breakthrough to the islands of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and were already liberating Fiji, Tonga, Kiribati, and the Solomon Islands. Many naval battles occurred as well such as the battle of Honolulu Harbor when Western Coalition naval forces managed to secure and gain a foothold on the island of Oahu thus ending the GSA occupation in Hawaii after months of harsh occupation.

Japanese resistance was also rising as well as the Hokkaido region was filled with remaining troops and what was left of the Western Coalition troops based in Asia. Some even came from South Korea after having fled to escape the invading North Korean and GSA forces.

Taiwan itself also suffered from resistance fighters and with aid coming from the recently liberated Philippines, the Taiwanese could stand up against impounding numbers of GSA forces.

The GSA itself even began to crumble. With word about the recent developments, some GSA factions went rogue and went their separate ways or tried to find ways to spare themselves from the Western Coalition or find peace with them. Some even defected. With this situation, the GSA needed to do something quickly or else the entire GSA would crumble: They needed to make one counter offensive or it was the end of everything.

Then one day, that counter offensive came.

In the Spanish coasts of Gibraltar, GSA forces there were using it as a supply base for their forces in Africa but after the Western Coalition recently liberated the continent, they were unable to supply their troops. So they made one last counteroffensive which was to retake North Africa. By capturing Morocco, it would help aid the GSA and help them acquire new weapons and equipment as well as expand their numbers, with this, they would slowly but surely retake the continent and would also aid their supporters in the region.

In the coming weeks, Morocco was almost in GSA hands once more but then a small mistake helped led to the Western Coalition forces retaking Morocco and soon they were helping the Spanish and Portuguese liberate Iberia from the clutches of the GSA.

France and Italy were liberated in just a couple of weeks following Spanish liberation forces taking the capital of Madrid. And soon with the help of U.K forces, half of Europe was retaken in an instant.

Asian and Pacific forces soon made a breakthrough and launched a counterattack campaign in the region thus leading up to China, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, Cambodia, etc all being taken by the Western Coalition within a matter of months.

Siberia was later invaded by the West in a matter of months as well and soon, Western Coalition forces were making it to Moscow, the Capital city of the GSA.

This is where the GSA would make their final stand.

As a result of the counter attack, almost all of Europe, Asia, and South America as well as Africa and the Middle East was officially liberated from the GSA and the only place left was the GSA homeland of Russia.

The fighting there was tough and with it being the capital of the GSA, Soviet forces put up a good fight. While they did not have many weapons as they used to, Soviet troops were well trained and known to adapt to their surroundings. Guerrilla fighters in the GSA even fought for as long as they did but with Western Coalition troops arriving in the West and East on all sides, Even the GSA knew that they might not win.

And that fear came in the Battle of Moscow

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