Chapter 6

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We prowled through the Taiga to the edge of the encampment. I moved through the shadows after my namesake and dispatched two of the guards silently, knife in and out of their throats before they even knew someone was there. I left the bodies in the shadows and moved forwards. Soap and Price behind me spread out taking out any other soldiers that they came across as we moved forwards. Our aim to find Makarov quickly and take him captive. My own personal agenda to see him dead for the harm he's caused, I wasn't giving him a second chance to escape the gulag.

The alarm got sent up and soldiers began to swarm the area. The knives go away and the gun comes out. No longer in stealth mode the three of us begin systematically taking out the enemies. We duck behind cover, leaning out in moments of respite to take out another target. I hear a curse behind me and I look to see Johnny favouring an arm. Shot in the bicep, blood blossoming across his sleeves, making the black fabric glisten under the half lit cover we're crouched behind.

Price moves efficiently, wrapping his arm firmly allowing Soap to continue the fight. We move forwards, Soap covering us from behind while Price and I take the lead. Everything is moving as smoothly as it can be all things considered, but slower than we had anticipated. By the time we've managed to make it half way through the camp of Konni soldiers, I'm sure Makarov has well and truly left and left his men behind to deal with us and delay us.

We'd at least be able to clear out this nest of rats and diminish his forces but I knew the three of us were all chafing at the thought.

We seperated and I moved into one of the buildings, using the shadows to my advantage, my quiet steps never heard by the soldiers in the building, their bodies never making a sound as they are left scattered in my wake. My knife, slick with their blood held firmly in my gloved hands moves with deadly precision. 

I make my way through to the last office in the building and find what I'm looking for. Eyes widen in surprise to see Makarov calmly sitting at his desk, fingers steepled in contemplation as he watches me with a sense of boredom. 

"Simon Riley. I see you finally joined the party." He gestures to the soldiers on either side of the doorway guns trained directly on me. My eyes slide to the side, eyeing them all off. I take my my chances and raise my knife aiming to hit Makarov between the eyes. However before I can lift my arm more than halfway, I feel the bullet hit me in the side. The impact causes me to inhale sharply and wince but I continue to move until my legs get kicked out from underneath me. I had known aiming for Makarov had been futile, but I'd had to try. I felt the butt of a rifle strike across my jaw and then I was unconscious.

Freezing cold water greeted me, my eyes shooting open and I struggled, only to find myself begin swaying back and forth. I tugged on my arms and realised they were drawn above my head and manacled to a chain. My shoulders groaned in protest, bearing the full weight of my body as my toes barely grazed the ground. My eyes finally manage to focus on the grinning face of the man I had come to hate more than even Roba's. 

"Simon, it's a pleasure to be hosting you. I'm sure you have many interesting things you'd like to refuse to tell me. That's alright, we have plenty of time. After all, you only managed to find me because I wanted you too."

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